Obbligazione European Investment Bank (EIB) 1.375% ( LU0953782009 ) in EUR

Emittente European Investment Bank (EIB)
Prezzo di mercato 100 EUR  ⇌ 
Paese  Lussemburgo
Codice isin  LU0953782009 ( in EUR )
Tasso d'interesse 1.375% per anno ( pagato 1 volta l'anno)
Scadenza 15/11/2019 - Obbligazione è scaduto

Prospetto opuscolo dell'obbligazione European Investment Bank (EIB) LU0953782009 in EUR 1.375%, scaduta

Importo minimo 1 000 EUR
Importo totale 3 000 000 000 EUR
Descrizione dettagliata La Banca Europea per gli Investimenti (BEI) è l'istituzione finanziaria dell'Unione europea che fornisce finanziamenti a lungo termine per progetti di investimento in tutta Europa e nei paesi in via di sviluppo.

The Obbligazione issued by European Investment Bank (EIB) ( Luxembourg ) , in EUR, with the ISIN code LU0953782009, pays a coupon of 1.375% per year.
The coupons are paid 1 time per year and the Obbligazione maturity is 15/11/2019


Issue of EUR 350,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019
(to be consolidated and form a single series, from and including the Issue Date, with the
existing EUR 650,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on
18 July 2013, the existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due
15 November 2019 issued on 9 September 2013, the existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate
Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on 5 November 2013, the existing
EUR 350,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on
20 January 2014, the existing EUR 500,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due
15 November 2019 issued on 25 February 2014 and the existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 %
Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on 4 March 2014)

Issue number: 2020/0700

Issue Price: 102.822 per cent.
(plus 188 days' accrued interest from, and including, 15 November 2013 to, but excluding, 22
May 2014)

On 18 July 2013 the European Investment Bank ("EIB") issued EUR 650,000,000 principal amount of
1,375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 (the "2020/0100 Bonds"). In a first
reopening on 9 September 2013 the EIB issued EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds
due 15 November 2019 (the "2020/0200 Bonds"), in a second reopening on 5 November 2013 the
EIB issued an additional EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November
2019 (the "2020/0300 Bonds"), in a third reopening on 20 January 2014 the EIB issued an additional
EUR 350,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 (the "2020/0400
Bonds"), in a fourth reopening on 25 February 2014 the EIB issued an additional EUR 500,000,000
1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 (the "2020/0500 Bonds") and in a fifth
reopening on 4 March 2014 the EIB issued an additional EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate
Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 (the "2020/0600 Bonds"). EIB proposes to reopen the
issue of the 1.375% Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 and to issue an additional
EUR 350,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 (the "2020/0700
Bonds") on 22 May 2014 (the "Issue Date"). The 2020/0700 Bonds have the same terms and
conditions (other than the issue date) as, and form a single series with, the 2020/0100 Bonds, the
2020/0200 Bonds, the 2020/0300 Bonds, the 2020/0400 Bonds, the 2020/0500 Bonds and the
2020/0600 Bonds as of the Issue Date.

This Offering Circular Supplement (the "Supplement") is supplemental to and should be read in
conjunction with the Offering Circular dated 12 July 2013 (the "Offering Circular"), as supplemented
on 5 September 2013, 31 October 2013, 16 January 2014, 21 February 2014 and 27 February 2014.
Terms defined in the Offering Circular shall have the same meaning in this Supplement. The term
"Bonds" when used in this Supplement or in the Offering Circular, including in the terms and
conditions of the Bonds as set out therein, shal mean the 2020/0100 Bonds, the 2020/0200 Bonds,
the 2020/0300 Bonds, the 2020/0400 Bonds, the 2020/0500 Bonds, the 2020/0600 Bonds and the

2020/0700 Bonds unless the context requires otherwise; this is in particular the case with respect to
the issue number, the issue date, the issue price, stabilization activities (if any) and the period during
which any such activities may be undertaken, the method of issue and the names of the Joint Lead
Managers, which are specific to the issue of the 2020/0100 Bonds, the 2020/0200 Bonds, the
2020/0300 Bonds, the 2020/0400 Bonds, the 2020/0500 Bonds, the 2020/0600 Bonds and the
2020/0700 Bonds, as applicable.

The Bonds wil be issued in dematerialised form pursuant to the Luxembourg law of
6 April 2013 on dematerialised securities. The Bonds will be issued through an issue account (compte
d'émission) at LuxCSD acting as settlement organisation (organisme de liquidation).

Application wil be made for the Bonds to be admitted to the official list of and to trading on the
regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

EIB accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Supplement which, when read together
with the Offering Circular, contains all information that is material in the context of the issue of the
2020/0700 Bonds.

Joint Lead Managers


Landesbank Baden-Württemberg

UniCredit Bank

This Supplement is dated 20 May 2014


No person has been authorised to give any information or to make any representations, unless
contained in the Offering Circular or this Supplement, in connection with the issue, subscription or sale
of the Bonds and any information or representations not contained in the Offering Circular or in this
Supplement must not be relied upon as having been authorised by EIB or any of the Joint Lead
Managers (as defined in the "Summary").

Neither the delivery of this Supplement nor any offering, purchase or sale made in connection herewith
shal , under any circumstances, constitute a representation or create any implication that there has
been no change since the date of this document in the affairs of EIB or that information contained
herein has remained accurate and complete.

The distribution of this Supplement and the offering or sale of the Bonds in certain jurisdictions may be
restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this Supplement comes are required by EIB and the
Joint Lead Managers to inform themselves about and to observe any such restriction.

This Supplement does not constitute an offer of, or an invitation by or on behalf of EIB or the Joint
Lead Managers to subscribe for, or purchase, any Bonds.


SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................................................3
Offering Circular dated 12 July 2013 ............................................................................................ Annex I

These Bonds are to be consolidated with and form a single series from and including the Issue Date,
with the existing EUR 650,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued
on 18 July 2013, the existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due
15 November 2019 issued on 9 September 2013, the existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate
Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on 5 November 2013, the existing
EUR 350,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on
20 January 2014, the existing EUR 500,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due
15 November 2019 issued on 25 February 2014 and the existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate
Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on 4 March 2014, and have, with the exception of
the Issue Date, the same terms and conditions as described in the Offering Circular attached hereto
as Annex I.
This summary describes the 2020/0700 Bonds and is qualified in its entirety by the remainder of this
Supplement and the Offering Circular.

European Investment Bank

Issue number:
2020/0700 (to be consolidated and form a single series, from and
including the Issue Date, with the existing EUR 650,000,000 1.375 %
Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on
18 July 2013, the existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate

9 September 2013, the existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate
15 November
5 November 2013, the existing EUR 350,000,000 1.375 % Climate
Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on 20 January
2014, the existing EUR 500,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness
Bonds due 15 November 2019 issued on 25 February 2014 and the
existing EUR 250,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds due
15 November 2019 issued on 4 March 2014)

Joint Lead Managers:
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
UniCredit Bank AG

Fiscal Agent, Listing Agent
and LuxCSD Principal Agent: BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch

Issue Date:
22 May 2014

Amount of Issue:
EUR 350,000,000

Issue Price:
102.822 per cent. (plus 188 days' accrued interest from, and
including, 15 November 2013 to, but excluding, 22 May 2014)

Method of Issue:
The Bonds are issued on a syndicated basis

Further Issues:
EIB may from time to time, without the consent of the holders of
Bonds, create and issue further 1.375% Climate Awareness Bonds
due 15 November 2019 so as to be consolidated and form a single
issue with the Bonds


Common Code:

Form of Bonds:
The Bonds are issued in dematerialised form only

Settlement Organisation:
LuxCSD S.A. ("LuxCSD") (or such other settlement organisation
(organisme de liquidation) within the meaning of the Dematerialisation
Law as EIB may appoint from time to time)

The Bonds are issued in euro

Cross Default:
See "Terms and Conditions of the Bonds - Default"

Maturity Date:
15 November 2019

Bonds are issued in denominations of EUR 1,000


1.375 per cent.

Interest Commencement
15 November 2013

Interest Payment Dates:
Annual y each 15 November in arrears

Purchase of Bonds:
EIB may at any time purchase Bonds in the open market or otherwise
at any price. Any Bonds so purchased may be sold or cancelled at
EIB's discretion

Status of Bonds:
The Bonds will constitute unconditional, direct and general obligations
of EIB as described in "Terms and Conditions of the Bonds ­ Status"

The 2020/0700 Bonds will be consolidated and form a single series,
from and including the Issue Date, with the 2020/0100 Bonds, the
2020/0200 Bonds, the 2020/0300 Bonds, the 2020/0400 Bonds, the
2020/0500 Bonds, and the 2020/0600 Bonds

Governing Law:
Luxembourg Law

Application wil be made for the Bonds to be admitted to the official list
of and to trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock

Payments are subject in all cases to any fiscal or other laws and
regulations applicable thereto

The 2020/0700 Bonds will be issued with the benefit of the agency agreement dated 12 July 2013
between EIB, BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch as fiscal agent, LuxCSD principal
agent and listing agent, as amended on 5 September 2013, 31 October 2013, 16 January 2014,
21 February 2014, 27 February 2014 and 20 May 2014.
So long as any Bonds are in issue copies of this Supplement shal be available for inspection during
business hours to any interested person and any holder of Bonds from the registered office of EIB and
from the specified office of the Fiscal Agent for the time being in Luxembourg.



100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg


Citigroup Global Markets Limited
HSBC France
Citigroup Centre
103 avenue des Champs-Elysées
Canada Square
75008 Paris
Canary Wharf
London E14 5LB

United Kingdom

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Am Hauptbahnhof 2
30 avenue Pierre Mendès France
70173 Stuttgart
75013 Paris

UniCredit Bank AG
Arabel astrasse 12
81925 Munich


BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch
33, rue de Gasperich, Howald ­ Hesperange
L ­ 2085 Luxembourg


BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch
33, rue de Gasperich, Howald ­ Hesperange
L ­ 2085 Luxembourg






of EUR 650,000,000 1.375 % Climate Awareness Bonds
due 15 November 2019
Issue number: 2020/0100

As described in this Offering Circular, the European Investment Bank ("EIB") is issuing EUR 650.000,000 1.375
% Climate Awareness Bonds due 15 November 2019 in dematerialised form (the "Bonds").

The Bonds will be issued in dematerialised form pursuant to the Luxembourg law of 6 April 2013 on
dematerialised securities. The Bonds will be issued through an issue account (compte d'émission) at LuxCSD
acting as settlement organisation (organisme de liquidation).

Application will be made for the Bonds to be admitted to the official list of and to trading on the regulated market
of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

Joint Lead Managers

BofA Merrill Lynch
Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment

DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-
UniCredit Bank
Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt am Main

This Offering Circular is dated 12 July 2013

No person has been authorised to give any information or to make any representations, unless contained in this
Offering Circular, in connection with the issue, subscription or sale of the Bonds and any information or
representations not contained herein must not be relied upon as having been authorised by EIB or any of the
Joint Lead Managers (as defined in the "Summary").

Neither the delivery of this Offering Circular nor any offering, purchase or sale made in connection herewith shall,
under any circumstances, constitute a representation or create any implication that there has been no change
since the date of this document in the affairs of EIB or that information contained herein has remained accurate
and complete.

The distribution of this Offering Circular and the offering or sale of the Bonds in certain jurisdictions may be
restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this Offering Circular comes are required by EIB and the Joint
Lead Managers to inform themselves about and to observe any such restriction.

This Offering Circular does not constitute an offer of, or an invitation by or on behalf of EIB or the Joint Lead
Managers to subscribe for, or purchase, any Bonds.

DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt am Main, will act as a stabilising agent (the
"Stabilising Agent''). In connection with the issue of the Bonds, the Stabilising Agent (or persons acting on behalf
of the Stabilising Agent) may over-allot Bonds or effect transactions with a view to supporting the market price of
the Bonds at a level higher than that which might otherwise prevail. However, there is no assurance that the
Stabilising Agent (or persons acting on behalf of the Stabilising Agent) will undertake stabilisation action. Any
stabilisation action may begin on or after the date of this Offering Circular and, if begun, may be ended at any
time, but it must end no later than the earlier of 30 days after the issue date of the Bonds and 60 days after the
date of al otment of the Bonds. Any stabilisation action or over-allotment must be conducted by the Stabilising
Agent (or persons acting on behalf of the Stabilising Agent) in accordance with al applicable laws and rules.


SUMMARY............................................................................................................................................................... 3
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE BONDS......................................................................................................... 4
USE OF PROCEEDS .............................................................................................................................................. 7
SUBSCRIPTION AND SALE ................................................................................................................................... 7
GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7


The following summary is qualified in its entirety by the remainder of this Offering Circular.
European Investment Bank
Issue number:
Joint Lead Managers:
Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank

DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt am Main

Merrill Lynch International

UniCredit Bank AG
Fiscal Agent, Listing Agent
and LuxCSD Principal Agent:
BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch
Issue Date:
18 July 2013
Amount of Issue:
EUR 650,000,000
Issue Price:
99.798 per cent.
Method of Issue:
The Bonds are issued on a syndicated basis
Further Issues:
EIB may from time to time, without the consent of the holders of Bonds, create
and issue further Bonds so as to be consolidated and form a single issue with
the Bonds
Common Code:
Form of Bonds:
The Bonds are issued in dematerialised form only
Settlement Organisation:
LuxCSD S.A. ("LuxCSD") (or such other settlement organisation (organisme
de liquidation) within the meaning of the Dematerialisation Law as EIB may
appoint from time to time)
The Bonds are issued in euro
Cross Default:
See "Terms and Conditions of the Bonds - Default"
Maturity Date:
15 November 2019
Bonds are issued in denominations of EUR 1,000
1.375 per cent.
Interest Commencement Date: 18 July 2013, short first interest payment from 18 July 2013 (including) to 15
November 2013 (excluding)
Interest Payment Dates:
Annual y each 15 November in arrears
Purchase of Bonds:
EIB may at any time purchase Bonds in the open market or otherwise at any
price. Any Bonds so purchased may be sold or cancelled at EIB's discretion
Status of Bonds:
The Bonds will constitute unconditional, direct and general obligations of EIB
as described in "Terms and Conditions of the Bonds ­ Status"
Governing Law:
Luxembourg Law
Application will be made for the Bonds to be admitted to the official list of and
to trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Payments are subject in al cases to any fiscal or other laws and regulations
applicable thereto