Obbligazione Rabobank 5.5% ( AU300RN20090 ) in AUD

Emittente Rabobank
Prezzo di mercato refresh price now   100 AUD  ⇌ 
Paese  Australia
Codice isin  AU300RN20090 ( in AUD )
Tasso d'interesse 5.5% per anno ( pagato 1 volta l'anno)
Scadenza 08/09/2025

Prospetto opuscolo dell'obbligazione Rabobank AU300RN20090 en AUD 5.5%, scadenza 08/09/2025

Importo minimo 100 000 AUD
Importo totale 40 000 000 AUD
Coupon successivo 08/09/2025 ( In 177 giorni )
Descrizione dettagliata Rabobank è una banca cooperativa olandese con una forte presenza nel settore agroalimentare e finanziario a livello globale.

The Obbligazione issued by Rabobank ( Australia ) , in AUD, with the ISIN code AU300RN20090, pays a coupon of 5.5% per year.
The coupons are paid 1 time per year and the Obbligazione maturity is 08/09/2025

6 September 2005
This Series Supplement contains the final terms of the MTNs and must be read in conjunction with the
Information Memorandum dated 16 November 2004 in relation to the A$ 5,000,000,000 A$ Debt Securities
Programme of Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. (Rabobank Nederland) Australia
Branch, Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. (Rabobank Nederland) and Rabobank
Australia Limited, guaranteed in respect of Notes issued by Rabobank Australia Limited by Coöperatieve
Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. (Rabobank Nederland).
MTNs to be issued, with terms and conditions set out below, and otherwise in accordance with the Deed
Poll and the Conditions as set out in Annexure A to the Deed Poll (the Conditions). Terms not defined in
this Series Supplement have the meanings given to them in the Conditions.
Overall MTN Details
Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. (Rabobank Nederland) Australia
Branch ABN 70 003 917 655
Lead Manager:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124
Principal Amount (face amount) on the
Issue Date of each MTN:
Number of MTNs to be issued:
Series No.:
Tranche No.:
Types of MTNs:

Amortised Notes

Fixed Rate Notes

Floating Rate Notes

Indexed Notes

Structured Notes

Zero Coupon Notes

Perpetual Notes

Other (specify)
Maturity Date:
8 September 2025
Issued at:



Issue Date:
8 September 2005
Total Principal Amount of Series: AUD40 million

Total Principal Amount of Tranche: AUD40 million
Interest Calculation and Payment, Repayment
Amortised Notes (Give details, including Redemption Amount and Redemption Dates)
Fixed Rate Notes
Interest Rate(s):
5.5 per centum. per annum
Interest Payment Dates:
8 March and 8 September in each year commencing on and including
8 March 2006 and ending on (and including) 8 September 2025.
Day Count Fraction:
RBA Bond Basis (Fixed) (without adjustment for early or late
payment of interest)
Business Day Convention:
Following Business Day Convention
Redemption Amount:
AUD40 million
Floating Rate Notes
Interest Rate(s):
Floating Rate Basis:
Interest Payment Dates:
Redemption Amount:
Day Count Fraction:
Business Day Convention:
Indexed Notes
(Specify method of calculation of variable indexed amount):
Details to include:
Source for index:
Person responsible
for calculations:
Provision for calculation
on early redemption, where
reference to Index or formula
is impossible or impracticable

Base Index Figure:
Interest Payment Dates:
Redemption Amount:
Business Day Convention:
Structured Notes
Describe characteristics:
(Give details including, as required, source, calculation arrangements, alternatives etc)
Business Day Convention:
Zero Coupon Notes
Redemption Price:
Amortisation Rate for Early Redemption:
Business Day Convention:
Perpetual Notes
Describe characteristics
Other Options
Give details
Other Issue Details
Special Issuance
Other special conditions including, as appropriate:
Events of Default:
Selling Restrictions:
1. The Netherlands
The Notes may only be offered, sold, delivered or transferred,
directly or indirectly, to persons (including legal entities)
established, resident or domiciled outside the Netherlands.
The relevant rules of any state where the Notes are or will be
offered will be complied with.
2. Australia
No prospectus or other disclosure document in relation to the
Programme or the Notes has been lodged with the Australian

Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Accordingly
no party may:
offer or invite applications for the issue, sale or
purchase of the Notes in Australia (including an offer
or invitation which is received by a person in
Australia); or
distribute or publish the Information Memorandum or
any other offering material or advertisement relating to
the Notes in Australia,
unless (i) the minimum aggregate consideration payable by
each offeree is at least A$500,000 (disregarding moneys lent
by the offeror or its associates) or the offer or invitation
otherwise does not require disclosure to investors in
accordance with Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act, and (ii)
such action complied with all applicable laws and regulations.
Redemption at option of
the Issuer:
Redemption at option of
Other variations to Conditions:
Common Code:
This Series Supplement should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions as set out in
Annexure A to the Supplemental Deed Poll dated 17 December 2001.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124
Authorised Representative
The above details are confirmed by the Issuer, in respect of:
Authorised Representative of Issuer