Obligation Absa Bank 0% ( ZAG000138355 ) en ZAR

Société émettrice Absa Bank
Prix sur le marché 100 %  ⇌ 
Pays  Afrique du Sud
Code ISIN  ZAG000138355 ( en ZAR )
Coupon 0%
Echéance 27/07/2021 - Obligation échue

Prospectus brochure de l'obligation Absa Bank ZAG000138355 en ZAR 0%, échue

Montant Minimal 1 000 000 ZAR
Montant de l'émission 29 922 000 ZAR
Description détaillée Absa Bank est une banque panafricaine offrant une gamme complète de services financiers, notamment des services bancaires aux particuliers, aux entreprises et aux institutions, dans plusieurs pays d'Afrique et au Royaume-Uni.

L'Obligation émise par Absa Bank ( Afrique du Sud ) , en ZAR, avec le code ISIN ZAG000138355, paye un coupon de 0% par an.
Le paiement des coupons est annuel et la maturité de l'Obligation est le 27/07/2021

DocuSign Envelope ID: ADCFCE80-A169-4F74-921D-6C8F2F7963FD


(incorporated in the Republic of South Africa with limited liability and with company registration
number: 1986/004794/06)

Issue of ZAR29,922,000.00 Unsubordinated and Unsecured Registered Notes due July 2021
under its ZAR40,000,000,000 Master Structured Note Programme approved by the JSE Limited

This Applicable Pricing Supplement must be read in conjunction with the Master Structured Note
Programme Memorandum dated 27 October 2015 and approved by the JSE Limited t/a The
Johannesburg Stock Exchange on or about 30 October 2015, as amended and/or supplemented from
time to time (the "Master Programme Memorandum"), prepared by Absa Bank Limited in
connection with the Absa Bank Limited ZAR40,000,000,000 Master Structured Note Programme.
Any capitalised terms not defined in this Applicable Pricing Supplement have the meanings ascribed
to them in Schedule 1 (Glossary of Terms) to Section II-A (Terms and Conditions of the Notes) of the
Master Programme Memorandum.
This document constitutes an Applicable Pricing Supplement relating to the Notes described herein
and to be issued by the Issuer. The Notes described herein are subject to the Terms and Conditions
of the Notes, as replaced, amended and/or supplemented by this Applicable Pricing Supplement. To
the extent that there is any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Applicable

DocuSign Envelope ID: ADCFCE80-A169-4F74-921D-6C8F2F7963FD

Pricing Supplement and the provisions of the Master Programme Memorandum, the provisions of
this Applicable Pricing Supplement will prevail for purposes of the Notes which are governed by it.
This Applicable Pricing Supplement supersedes any previous term sheet, pricing supplement,
confirmation, or other communication in respect of the Notes described below.


Absa Bank Limited ("Absa")
Status of Notes:
Unsubordinated and Unsecured. (The default status of the
Notes under the Master Structured Note Programme is
`unsubordinated and unsecured' per Condition 5 (Status
of Notes) of the Master Programme Memorandum.)
Issuance Currency:
ZAR (South African Rand)
Series Number:
Tranche Number:
Aggregate Nominal Amount:

As set out in paragraph 25 and 26 below respectively.
Interest Payment Basis:
Fixed Rate and Index Linked
Automatic/Optional Conversion Not Applicable
from one
Basis to another:
Form of Notes:
Registered Listed Notes: The Notes in this Tranche are
issued in uncertificated form and lodged in the Central
Securities Depository.
Issue Date:
27 July 2016
Trade Date:
20 July 2016

DocuSign Envelope ID: ADCFCE80-A169-4F74-921D-6C8F2F7963FD

Specified Denomination:
ZAR1,000.00 per Note - the provision reading "Notes will
not be offered for subscription to any single addressee for
an amount of less than R1,000,000" appearing under the
"Selling Restrictions" for the republic of South Africa in
"Section II-D: Subscription and Sale" of the Master
Programme Memorandum will be disapplied and deemed
to be amended for purposes of these Notes.
Issue Price:
Interest Commencement Date:
Not Applicable
Maturity Date:
27 July 2021, is the scheduled Maturity Date, subject to
such day being an Exchange Business Day (as defined in
paragraph 26(b) below) and a Business Day. If such day is
not an Exchange Business Day and a Business Day, then
the Maturity Date will be the next day which is an
Exchange Business Day and a Business Day.
Applicable Business Day
Modified Following Business Day Convention
Definition of Business Day (if
Not different for Business Days. However, for purposes of
different from that set out in
this Applicable Pricing Supplement the term "Currency
the Glossary of Terms):
Business Day" include Johannesburg Business Days,
London Business Days and TARGET Settlement Days,
where TARGET Settlement Day means any day on which
the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross
settlement Express Transfer system is open.
Fixed Interim Amount:
See Fixed Rate Leg provisions in paragraph 25 below.
Final Redemption Amount:
See Index-Linked Notes provisions in paragraph 26 below.
Last Date to Register:
18 July 2021
Books Closed Period(s):
The Register will be closed from 19 July 2021 until the
Maturity Date.
Value of aggregate Nominal
Amount of all Notes issued
under the Structured Note
Programme as at the Issue

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Fixed Interim Amout:
The amount determined and calculated by the Issuer in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 25(b) below,
and payable by the Issuer to the Note Holders on the
Fixed Interim Amount Payment Date.
Formula by reference
The Issuer will determine and calculate the Fixed Interim
to which the Fixed
Amount by using the following formula:
Interim Amount is to be FIA=ANA*0.5*1.405
determined and
"FIA" means the Fixed Interim Amount;
"ANA" means the Aggregate Nominal Amount; and
"*" means "multiplied by".
Fixed Interim Amount
The Fixed Interim Amount as determined and calculated
Payment Date:
above will be payable by the Issuer to the Note Holders on
27 July 2019, such date being subject to adjustment in
accordance with the Modified Following Business Day

Type of Index-Linked
Indexed Redemption Amount
Formula by reference
The Issuer will determine and calculate the Final
to which payment
Redemption Amount by using the following formula:
amount in respect of
FRA=ANA*0.5 + [ANA*0.5*P*max(BR,0)]
the Index-Linked Leg is
to be determined:
"FRA" means the Final Redemption Amount;
"ANA" means the Aggregate Nominal Amount;
"P" means "participation" which is 1.20;
"BR" means the "Basket Return" which is determined and
calculated in accordance with the following formula:
BR = 2 0.5 × (Asset, - 1)

Asseti,0 means, in respect of each of the Indices
comprising the basket of Indices, the official closing level
of the relevant Index, as determined by the Issuer, on the

DocuSign Envelope ID: ADCFCE80-A169-4F74-921D-6C8F2F7963FD

Trade Date which is: (i) 2,996.95 in the case of the Euro
Stoxx 50 ® Index, and (ii) 6,728.99 in the case of the FTSE
100 Index.
"Asseti,f" means, in respect of each Index contained in the
basket of Indices, the "final Index level" determined by
the Issuer as the equally weighted average of the official
closing levels of the relevant Index, as determined by the
Issuer, on each of the following averaging dates:
9/21/2020; 10/20/2020;
11/20/2020; 12/21/2020; 1/20/2021;

each such averaging date being subject to adjustment in
accordance with the Modified Postponement provisions
set out below.
"Modified Postponement" means that where the official
closing level of an Index is not available on an any relevant
day for any reason, the Issuer, acting in good faith and in a
commercially reasonable manner, will determine the
closing level of such Index by inter alia reference to any
determination made by the Issuer's hedging counterparty
in respect of any local or global hedge position in
connection with this leg of the Note that the Issuer may
have entered into or, if that cannot be obtained, the
official closing level available on any following or
preceding day, as applicable, which the Issuer determines
to be commercially reasonable under the relevant
For the purposes of the above:
"Exchange Business Day" means a Scheduled Trading Day
on which: (i) the relevant Index Sponsor publishes the
closing level of the relevant Index; and (ii) the Related
Listing Financial Exchange or an Index Component
Exchange, as the case may be, is open for trading during
its regular trading session, notwithstanding the Related
Listing Financial Exchange and/or any Index Component
Exchange, as the case may be, closing prior to its
Scheduled Closing Time;
"basket" means for purposes of the "basket of Indices" an
equally weighted basket (i.e. 50% of each) of (i) the FTSE

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100 Index (Bloomberg Ticker: UKX Index) (Index1), and (ii)
the EURO STOXX 50® Index (Bloomberg Ticker: SX5E
Index) (Index2). The weighting (i.e. 50% in respect of each
Index) are set upfront and does not change over the term
of the Notes regardless of the return of the Indices
comprising the basket.
Index websites:
For FTSE 100 Index:
For EURO STOXX 50® Index:
"Index Valuation Date" means, in respect of each Index,
20 July 2021, subject to such day not being a Disrupted
Day. If such day is a Disrupted Day, the Index Valuation
Date will be determined in accordance with the provisions
of "Consequences of a Disrupted Day" specified below. If
the Index Valuation Date is adjusted in accordance with
the provisions of "Consequences of a Disrupted Day", the
scheduled Maturity Date (specified above) will be
adjusted to be the 5th (fifth) day following the adjusted
Index Valaution Date, provided that such day is both an
Exchange Business Day and a Business Day;
"Index Valuation Time" means:
for the purposes of determining whether a Market
Disruption Event has occurred in respect of any
Component Security or any options contracts or
future contracts on an Index, the Scheduled Closing
Time on the Listing Financial Exchange in respect of
such Component Security or such options contracts
or future contracts on the relevant Index, as the case
may be; and
in all other circumstances, the time at which the
official closing level of the relevant Index is
calculated and published;
"Listing Financial Exchange" means in respect of an Index,
all such exchanges relevant to such Index as determined
by the Issuer;
"Scheduled Closing Time" means, in respect of an Index
Component Exchange and a Scheduled Trading Day, the

DocuSign Envelope ID: ADCFCE80-A169-4F74-921D-6C8F2F7963FD

scheduled weekday closing time of such Index Component
Exchange on such Scheduled Trading Day, without regard
to after hours or any other trading outside of the regular
trading session hours;
"Index Component Exchange" means in respect of each
component security of an Index (each, a "Component
Security"), the principal stock exchange or quotation
system or any substitute exchange or quotation system on
which such Component Security is principally traded, as
determined by the Issuer;
"Scheduled Trading Day" means, in respect of an Index,
any day on which: (i) the Index Sponsor is scheduled to
publish the level of the Index; and (ii) the Listing Financial
Exchange or an Index Component Exchange, as the case
may be, is scheduled to be open for trading during its
regular trading session;
"Index Sponsor" means, in respect of an Index, the
corporation or other entity that (a) is responsible for
setting and reviewing the rules and procedures and the
methods of calculation and adjustments, if any, related to
the relevant Index and (b) announces (directly or through
an agent) the level of the relevant Index on a regular basis
during each Scheduled Trading Day;
Final Redemption
The Maturity Date, such date being subject to adjustment
Amount Payment Date: in accordance with the Modified Following Business Day
Convention and the provisions regarding Consequences of
a Disrupted Day as specified above.
Index Calculation
In respect of the FTSE 100 Index, FTSE is the Index
Calculation Agent.
In respect of the Euro Stoxx 50® Index, STOXX Limited,
Zurich, Switzerland and/or its licensors are the Index
Calculation Agent.
Provisions where
See the relevant provisions under paragraph 40 below.
calculation by
reference to Index
and/or Formula is
impossible or
Minimum Interest
Not Applicable

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Maximum Interest
Not Applicable
Other terms relating to
Not Applicable
the method of
calculating interest
(e.g.: Day Count
Fraction, rounding up
Calculation Agent:
Absa Corporate and Investment Banking (a division of
Absa Bank Limited) or an affiliate thereof.

Redemption at the option of
the Issuer:
Redemption at the Option of
Early Redemption Amount(s)
payable on redemption for
taxation reasons, Change in
Law, Hedging Disruption,
Increased Cost of Hedging or on
Event of Default (if required):
If yes:

Amount payable; or
Not Applicable
Method of calculation
If the Notes are redeemed early for any reason
of amount payable:
whatsoever, the Early Redemption Amount will be
determined and calculated by the Issuer in accordance
with Condition 8.5 (Early Redemption Amounts) of the
Terms and Conditions of the Notes.

Financial Exchange:
JSE Limited t/a The Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Calculation Agent:
Absa Corporate and Investment Banking (a division of
Absa Bank Limited) or an affiliate thereof.
Paying Agent
Absa Corporate and Investment Banking (a division of

DocuSign Envelope ID: ADCFCE80-A169-4F74-921D-6C8F2F7963FD

Absa Bank Limited) or an affiliate thereof.
Specified office of the Paying
15 Alice Lane
Republic of South Africa
Transfer Agent:
Absa Corporate and Investment Banking (a division of
Absa Bank Limited) or an affiliate thereof.
Issuer Rating on Issue Date:
Issuer Rating: A1.za as assigned by Moody's on 10 March
2016 and to be reviewed by Moody's from time to time.
Issuer Rating: zaAA- as assigned by Standard & Poor on 09
March 2016 and to be reviewed by Standard & Poor from
time to time.
Stock Code:
Method of distribution:
Private Placement
Governing law:
The law of the Republic of South Africa
Other provisions:
(a) Inward Listing:
The Notes will be inward listed on the Financial Exchange
in terms of the authority granted by the Financial
Surveillance Department of the South African Reserve
(b) Taxation:
Condition 9 titled "Taxation" in the section II-A of the
Master Programme Memorandum titled "Terms and
Conditions of the Notes" is deemed to be amended in
relation to this Tranche of Notes by:
(i) the replacement of the words after the dash in
Condition 9.3 with the phrase "provided that this
exception will only apply to that portion of the
withholding or deduction which could lawfully have
been so reduced",
(ii) the deletion of Condition 9.8, and
(iii) the insertion of the following additional paragraphs

DocuSign Envelope ID: ADCFCE80-A169-4F74-921D-6C8F2F7963FD

immediately after Condition 9.7:
"9.8 where such withholding or deduction is imposed
on a payment to an individual and is required to be made
pursuant to European Council Directive 2003/48/EC (or
any other directive implementing the conclusions of the
2312th Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)
meeting of 26 and 27 November 2000) on the taxation of
savings income or any law implementing or complying
with, or introduced in order to conform to, such directive;
9.9 held by or on behalf of a Noteholder in
circumstances where such party could lawfully reduce the
amount of taxation otherwise levied or leviable upon the
principal or interest by virtue of any tax treaty or non-
South African tax laws applicable to such Noteholder,
whether by way of a tax credit, rebate deduction or
reduction equal to all or part of the amount withheld or
otherwise, and whether or not it is actually claimed
and/or granted and/or allowed; or
9.10 in respect of any present or future taxes, duties,
assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature
which are payable otherwise than by withholding from
payment of principal or interest, if any, with respect to
such Note; or
9.11 where any combination of the scenarios or
occurrences contemplated in Conditions 9.1 to 9.10 above
occurs the Issuer is not liable for or otherwise obliged to
pay any taxes that may arise as a result of the ownership,
transfer or redemption of any Note.
If the Issuer becomes subject generally at any time to any
taxing jurisdiction, authority or agency other than or in
addition to the Republic of South Africa, references in
Conditions 8.2 (Redemption for Tax Reasons or due to a
Change in Law) and 9 (Taxation) to the Republic of South
Africa will be read and construed as references to the
Republic of South Africa and/or to such other jurisdiction,
authority or agency."

Document Outline