Obligation International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 0.18% ( XS2306530978 ) en EUR

Société émettrice International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Prix sur le marché 72.53 %  ⇌ 
Pays  Etats-unis
Code ISIN  XS2306530978 ( en EUR )
Coupon 0.18% par an ( paiement annuel )
Echéance 01/03/2034 - Obligation échue

Prospectus brochure de l'obligation International Bank for Reconstruction and Development XS2306530978 en EUR 0.18%, échue

Montant Minimal 100 000 EUR
Montant de l'émission 38 000 000 EUR
Description détaillée L'Obligation émise par International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( Etats-unis ) , en EUR, avec le code ISIN XS2306530978, paye un coupon de 0.18% par an.
Le paiement des coupons est annuel et la maturité de l'Obligation est le 01/03/2034

Final Terms dated 24 February 2021

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Issue of EUR 38,000,000 Callable 0.18 per cent. Notes due 1 March 2034

under the
Global Debt Issuance Facility

Terms used herein sha ll be deemed to be defined a s such for the purposes of the terms and
conditions (the "Conditions") set forth in the Prospectus dated Ma y 28, 2008. This document
constitutes the Fina l Terms of the Notes described herein a nd must be rea d in conjunction with
such Prospectus.

MiFID II product governance / Professional investors and ECPs target markets ­ See Term
31 below.

Interna tional Ba nk for Reconstruction and Development
Series Number:
Tra nche Number:
Specified Currency or Currencies
Euro ("EUR")
(Condition 1(d)):
Aggrega te Nomina l Amount:

EUR 38,000,000
Tra nche:
EUR 38,000,000
Issue Price:
100.00 per cent. of the Aggrega te Nomina l Amount
Net proceeds:
EUR 38,000,000
Specified Denomina tions
EUR 100,000 a nd integra l multiples thereof
(Condition 1(b)):
Issue Da te:
1 Ma rch 2021
Ma turity Da te (Condition 6(a )):
1 Ma rch 2034
Interest Ba sis (Condition 5):
0.18 per cent. Fixed Ra te
(further pa rticula rs specified below)
10. Redemption/Payment Basis
Redemption a t par
(Condition 6):
11. Cha nge of Interest or
Not Applica ble
Redemption/Payment Basis:
12. Ca ll/Put Options (Condition 6):
Ca ll Option
(further pa rticula rs specified below)
13. Sta tus of the Notes (Condition 3):
Unsecured a nd unsubordinated
14. Listing:
Luxembourg Stock Excha nge
15. Method of distribution:
Non-syndica ted

16. Fixed Ra te Note Provisions
Applica ble
(Condition 5(a )):
Ra te(s) of Interest:
0.18 per cent. per a nnum pa yable a nnually in a rrea r
(ii) Interest Pa yment Da te(s):
1 Ma rch in ea ch yea r, from and including 1 Ma rch 2022 to
and including the Ma turity Date, not subject to a djustment
in a ccorda nce with a Business Da y Convention
(iii) Interest Period Da te(s):
Ea ch Interest Pa yment Da te
(iv) Business Da y Convention:
Not Applica ble
(v) Da y Count Fra ction
Actua l/Actua l (ICMA)
(Condition 5(l)):
(vi) Other terms rela ting to the
Not Applica ble
method of ca lcula ting interest
for Fixed Ra te Notes:
17. Ca ll Option (Condition 6(d)):
Applica ble
Optiona l Redemption Da te(s):
1 Ma rch 2024
Optiona l Redemption
EUR 100,000 per minimum Specified Denomina tion
Amount(s) of ea ch Note a nd
method, if a ny, of ca lcula tion
of such a mount(s):
(iii) Notice period:
Five (5) London, New York a nd TARGET Business Da ys
prior to the Optiona l Redemption Da te
18. Fina l Redemption Amount of ea ch
EUR 100,000 per minimum Specified Denomina tion
Note (Condition 6):
19. Ea rly Redemption Amount
As set out in the Conditions
(Condition 6(c)):
20. Form of Notes (Condition 1(a )):
Bea rer Notes:

Tempora ry Globa l Note excha ngeable for a Perma nent
Globa l Note on the Excha nge Da te

Excha nge Da te in respect of Tempora ry Globa l Note:
10 April 2021
21. New Globa l Note:
22. Fina ncia l Centre(s) or other specia l
London, New York a nd TARGET
provisions rela ting to pa yment da tes
(Condition 7(h)):
23. Talons for future Coupons or
Receipts to be attached to
Definitive Notes (and dates on
which such Talons mature)
(Condition 7(g)):
24. Unmatured Coupons to become
void (Condition 7(f)):
25. Governing la w (Condition 14):

26. Other fina l terms:
Not Applica ble

27. (i)
If syndica ted, na mes of
Not Applica ble
Ma na gers a nd underwriting
Sta bilizing Ma na ger(s) (if a ny): Not Applica ble
28. If non-syndica ted, na me of Dea ler:
Deutsche Zentra l-Genossenscha ftsbank,
Fra nkfurt a m Main
29. Tota l commission a nd concession:
Not Applica ble
30. Additiona l selling restrictions:
Not Applica ble
31. MiFID II product governa nce /
Directive 2014/65/EU (as amended, "MiFID II")
Professiona l investors a nd ECPs
product governance / Professional investors and
ta rget ma rkets:
eligible counterparties ("ECPs") target market: Sole ly
for the purposes of the manufa cturer's product a pprova l
process, the ta rget ma rket a ssessment in respect of the
Notes ha s led to the conclusion tha t (i) the ta rget ma rket
for the Notes is eligible counterpa rties a nd professiona l
clients, ea ch a s defined in MiFID II; and (ii) a ll cha nnels
for distribution of the Notes to eligible counterpa rties a nd
professiona l clients a re appropria te. Any person
subsequently offering, selling or recommending the Notes
(a "distributor") should take into considera tion the
ma nufacturer's ta rget ma rket a ssessment; however, a
distributor subject to MiFID II is responsible for
undertaking its own ta rget ma rket a ssessment in respect of
the Notes (by either a dopting or refining the
ma nufacturer's ta rget ma rket a ssessment) a nd determining
a ppropria te distribution cha nnels.
For the purposes of this provision, "manufa cturer" means
the Dea ler.
IBRD does not fa ll under the scope of application of
MiFID II. Consequently, IBRD does not qua lify a s an
"investment firm", "ma nufa cturer" or "distributor" for the
purposes of MiFID II

32. ISIN Code:
33. Common Code:
34. Delivery:
Delivery a ga inst pa yment
35. Intended to be held in a ma nner
which would a llow Eurosystem
Note tha t the designa tion "yes" simply means tha t the
Notes a re intended upon issue to be deposited with one of
the ICSDs a s common sa fekeeper and does not necessa rily
mean that the Notes will be recognized a s eligib le
colla tera l for Eurosystem moneta ry policy a nd intra -day
credit opera tions by the Eurosystem either upon issue or a t
any or a ll times during their life. Such recognition will
depend upon the ECB being sa tisfied that Eurosystem
eligibility criteria ha ve been met.

IBRD's most recent Information Sta tement wa s issued on September 23, 2020.
Supporting sustainable development in IBRD's member countries.
The net proceeds from the sa le of the Notes will be used by IBRD to fina nce susta inable
development projects and programs in IBRD's member countries (without being committed or
ea rma rked for lending to, or financing of, any pa rticula r projects, programs or a ctivities). Prior to
use, the net proceeds will be invested by IBRD's Trea sury in a ccordance with IBRD's liquid a sset
ma na gement investment policies. IBRD's fina ncing is ma de ava ila ble solely to middle-income
and creditworthy lower-income member countries who a re working in pa rtnership with IBRD to
elimina te extreme poverty a nd boost sha red prosperity, so that they can achieve equita ble and
susta ina ble economic growth in their na tiona l economies and find susta ina ble solutions to pressing
regiona l a nd globa l economic a nd environmenta l problems. Projects a nd programs supported by
IBRD a re designed to a chieve a positive socia l impa ct a nd undergo a rigorous review a nd interna l
a pproval process a imed a t sa feguarding equita ble a nd sustainable economic growth.
IBRD integra tes the following five globa l themes into its lending a ctivities helping its borrowing
members crea te susta inable development solutions: clima te change; gender; infra structure; public-
priva te pa rtnerships a nd gua rantees; knowledge ma nagement, a nd fragility, conflict a nd violence.
IBRD's administra tive a nd opera ting expenses a re covered entirely by IBRD's va rious sources of
revenue (net income) consisting prima rily of net loan revenues a nd investment income (a s more
fully described in the Informa tion Sta tement).
These Fina l Terms comprise the fina l terms required for the a dmission to the Officia l List of
the Luxembourg Stock Excha nge a nd to tra ding on the Luxembourg Stock Excha nge's regula ted
ma rket of the Notes described herein issued pursua nt to the Globa l Debt Issua nce Fa cility of
Interna tional Ba nk for Reconstruction a nd Development.

IBRD a ccepts responsibility for the informa tion contained in these Fina l Terms.
Signed on beha lf of IBRD:


Na me:

Duly a uthorized


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