Obligation Goldman Sachs 10% ( US38148THY82 ) en USD

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Prospectus brochure de l'obligation Goldman Sachs US38148THY82 en USD 10%, échéance 30/11/2030

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Cusip 38148THY8
Notation Standard & Poor's ( S&P ) N/A
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Description détaillée Goldman Sachs est une banque d'investissement multinationale américaine offrant des services financiers tels que la banque d'investissement, la gestion d'actifs, la gestion de patrimoine et la vente et négociation de titres.

L'Obligation émise par Goldman Sachs ( Etas-Unis ) , en USD, avec le code ISIN US38148THY82, paye un coupon de 10% par an.
Le paiement des coupons est semestriel et la maturité de l'Obligation est le 30/11/2030

424B2 1 a15-22132_16424b2.htm PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT NO. 4250 DATED NOVEMBER 24, 2015
Table of Contents

File d Pursua nt t o Rule 4 2 4 (b)(2 )
Re gist ra t ion St a t e m e nt N o. 3 3 3 -1 9 8 7 3 5

T he Goldm a n Sa c hs Group, I nc .


Callable CMS Spread and Russell 2000® Index-Linked Range
Accrual Notes due 2030

Interest, if any, will be paid quarterly on the the last calendar day of each February and the 30th calendar day of each May, August and
November, beginning February 29, 2016. On each of the first four quarterly interest payment dates, interest will be paid at a rate of 10.00% per
annum. We may redeem your notes at 100% of their face amount plus any accrued and unpaid interest on any quarterly interest payment date
on or after November 30, 2016.

Subject to our redemption right, on each interest payment date beginning in February 2017, interest, if any, will be paid based on (i) the
number of scheduled trading days in the relevant interest period (reference dates) on which the closing level of the Russell 2000® Index is
greater than or equal to 60.00% of the initial index level of 1,188.814, which is 713.2884, and (ii) the applicable interest factor (described below).
Interest related to an interest payment date will be determined on the tenth scheduled trading day prior to such interest payment date and the
interest period related to such interest payment date will be the approximately 3-month period prior to such tenth scheduled trading day.

The interest factor for an interest period is the product of (i) 8.0 times (ii) the CMS spread on the second U.S. Government securities
business day preceding the interest payment date occurring during such interest period, subject to a maximum interest factor of 10.00% and a
minimum interest factor of 0%. The CMS Spread is the difference between the 30-year CMS rate minus the 2-year CMS rate.

To determine your annualized interest rate for each interest payment date beginning in February 2017, we will (i) divide the number of
reference dates in such interest period on which the closing level of the Russell 2000® Index is greater than or equal to 60.00% of the initial
index level by the total number of reference days in such interest period and (ii) multiply the resulting fraction by the applicable interest factor.
Your quarterly interest payment, if any, will be determined in accordance with the 30/360 (ISDA) day count convention. Be ginning w it h t he
int e re st pa ym e nt da t e in Fe brua ry 2 0 1 7 , you w ill not re c e ive a ny int e re st on your not e s on a n int e re st pa ym e nt
da t e if e it he r (i) t he CM S spre a d use d t o c a lc ula t e t he re la t e d int e re st fa c t or is less than or equal to ze ro or (ii) during
t he re la t e d int e re st pe riod t he c losing le ve l of t he inde x is ne ve r greater than or equal to 6 0 .0 0 % of t he init ia l inde x
le ve l.

If we do not redeem your notes, the amount that you will be paid on your notes at maturity (November 30, 2030), in addition to any interest,
is based on the index return, which is the percentage increase or decrease in the final index level from the initial index level as measured from
the trade date (November 24, 2015) to and including the determination date (November 15, 2030). At maturity, for each $1,000 face amount of
your notes, you will receive an amount in cash equal to:

if the index return is greater than or equal to -50.00% (the final index level is greater than or equal to 50.00% of the initial index level),

$1,000; or
if the index return is less than -50.00% (the final index level is less than 50.00% of the initial index level), the sum of (i) $1,000 plus (ii)

the product of (a) the index return times (b) $1,000.

Y ou w ill not be ne fit from a ny inc re a se in t he fina l inde x le ve l a bove t he init ia l inde x le ve l a nd you w ill re c e ive
le ss t ha n t he fa c e a m ount of your not e s a t m a t urit y if t he fina l inde x le ve l is le ss t ha n 5 0 .0 0 % of t he init ia l inde x
le ve l.

You should read the additional disclosure herein so that you may better understand the terms and risks of your investment, including,
among other things, our credit risk. See page S-10.

The estimated value of your notes at the time the terms of your notes are set on the trade date is equal to approximately $896 per
$1,000 face amount. For a discussion of the estimated value and the price at which Goldman, Sachs & Co. would initially buy or sell
your notes, if it makes a market in the notes, see the following page.

Origina l issue da t e :
November 30, 2015
Origina l issue pric e :
100.00% of the face amount
U nde rw rit ing disc ount : 4.55% of the face amount
N e t proc e e ds t o t he
95.45% of the face amount
issue r:

N e it he r t he Se c urit ie s a nd Ex c ha nge Com m ission nor a ny ot he r re gula t ory body ha s a pprove d or disa pprove d of
t he se se c urit ie s or pa sse d upon t he a c c ura c y or a de qua c y of t his prospe c t us. Any re pre se nt a t ion t o t he c ont ra ry is
a c rim ina l offe nse . T he not e s a re not ba nk de posit s a nd a re not insure d by t he Fe de ra l De posit I nsura nc e
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Corpora t ion or a ny ot he r gove rnm e nt a l a ge nc y, nor a re t he y obliga t ions of, or gua ra nt e e d by, a ba nk .

Goldm a n, Sa c hs & Co.
Prospectus Supplement No. 4250 dated November 24, 2015.

Table of Contents

On N ove m be r 2 , 2 0 1 5 , St a nda rd a nd Poor's Ra t ings Se rvic e s (S& P) a nnounc e d t ha t it ha d pla c e d t he
se nior unse c ure d de bt ra t ings of t he non -ope ra t ing holding c om pa nie s of t he U .S. globa l syst e m ic a lly
im port a nt ba nk s (GSI Bs) unde r re vie w a s it re vie w s t he re solut ion re gim e for U .S. ba nk s. T he se holding
c om pa nie s, w hic h inc lude T he Goldm a n Sa c hs Group, I nc ., a re unde r re vie w for a c re dit ra t ings dow ngra de
by S& P.

The issue price, underwriting discount and net proceeds listed on the cover page hereof relate to the notes we sell initially. We
may decide to sell additional notes after the date of this prospectus supplement, at issue prices and with underwriting discounts and
net proceeds that differ from the amounts set forth above. The return (whether positive or negative) on your investment in notes will
depend in part on the issue price you pay for such notes.

Goldman Sachs may use this prospectus in the initial sale of the offered notes. In addition, Goldman Sachs & Co., or any other
affiliate of Goldman Sachs may use this prospectus in a market-making transaction in a note after its initial sale. Unless Goldman
Sachs or its agent informs the purchaser otherwise in the confirmation of sale, this prospectus is being used in a market-
making transaction.

Est im a t e d V a lue of Y our N ot e s

The estimated value of your notes at the time the terms of your notes are set on the trade date (as determined by
reference to pricing models used by Goldman, Sachs & Co. (GS&Co.) and taking into account our credit spreads) is
equal to approximately $896 per $1,000 face amount, which will be less than the original issue price. The value of
your notes at any time will reflect many factors and cannot be predicted; however, the price (not including GS&Co.'s
customary bid and ask spreads) at which GS&Co. would initially buy or sell notes (if it makes a market, which it is not
obligated to do) and the value that GS&Co. will initially use for account statements and otherwise will equal
approximately $960 per $1,000 face amount, which will exceed the estimated value of your notes as determined by
reference to these models. The amount of the excess will decline on a straight line basis over the period from the
trade date through November 30, 2016.

About Y our Prospe c t us

The notes are part of the Medium-Term Notes, Series D program of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. This prospectus includes this
prospectus supplement and the accompanying documents listed below. This prospectus supplement constitutes a supplement to
the documents listed below and should be read in conjunction with such documents:

· Prospectus supplement dated September 15, 2014

· Prospectus dated September 15, 2014

The information in this prospectus supplement supersedes any conflicting information in the documents listed above. In addition,
some of the terms or features described in the listed documents may not apply to your notes.

Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

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Table of Contents
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Table of Contents


We refer to the notes we are offering by this prospectus supplement as the "offered notes" or the "notes". Each of the
offered notes, including your notes, has the terms described below and under "Specific Terms of Your Notes" on page S-20.
Please note that in this prospectus supplement, references to "The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.", "we", "our" and "us" mean only
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and do not include its consolidated subsidiaries. Also, references to the "accompanying
prospectus" mean the accompanying prospectus, dated September 15, 2014, as supplemented by the accompanying
prospectus supplement, dated September 15, 2014, in each case relating to the Medium-Term Notes, Series D of The
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. References to the "indenture" in this prospectus supplement mean the senior debt indenture, dated
July 16, 2008, between The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and The Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee.

K e y T e rm s

I ssue r: The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

I nde x : the Russell 2000® Index (Bloomberg symbol, "RTY Index"), as published by the Russell Investment Group ("Russell"); see
"The Index" on page S-30

CM S spre a d: for any interest factor determination date, the difference of the 30-year CMS rate minus the 2-year CMS rate

3 0 -ye a r CM S ra t e : for any interest factor determination date, the 30-year U.S. dollar interest rate swap rate (as described on
page S-23) on such day, subject to adjustment as described elsewhere in this prospectus supplement

2 -ye a r CM S ra t e : for any interest factor determination date, the 2-year U.S. dollar interest rate swap rate (as described on page
S-23) on such day, subject to adjustment as described elsewhere in this prospectus supplement
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CM S ra t e s: the 30-year CMS rate and the 2-year CMS rate

Fa c e a m ount : each note will have a face amount equal to $1,000; $2,960,000 in the aggregate for all the offered notes; the
aggregate face amount of the offered notes may be increased if the issuer, at its sole option, decides to sell an additional amount
of the offered notes on a date subsequent to the date of this prospectus supplement

Purc ha se a t a m ount ot he r t ha n fa c e a m ount : the amount we will pay you at the stated maturity date for your notes or
upon any early redemption, if any, will not be adjusted based on the issue price you pay for your notes, so if you acquire notes at a
premium (or discount) to face amount and hold them to the stated maturity date or date of early redemption, it could affect your
investment in a number of ways. The return on your investment in such notes will be lower (or higher) than it would have been had
you purchased the notes at face amount. Also, the stated trigger buffer level would not offer the same measure of protection to
your investment as would be the case if you had purchased the notes at face amount. See "Additional Risk Factors Specific to Your
Notes -- If You Purchase Your Notes at a Premium to Face Amount, the Return on Your Investment Will Be Lower Than the
Return on Notes Purchased at Face Amount and the Impact of Certain Key Terms of the Notes Will be Negatively Affected" on
page S-12 of this pricing supplement.

T ra de da t e : November 24, 2015

Origina l issue da t e (se t t le m e nt da t e ): November 30, 2015

St a t e d m a t urit y da t e : November 30, 2030, subject to our early redemption right and to adjustment as described under "Specific
Terms of Your Notes -- Payment of Principal on Stated Maturity Date -- Stated Maturity Date" on page S-22

Spe c ifie d c urre nc y: U.S. dollars ("$")

De nom ina t ions: $1,000 or integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof

Table of Contents

Supple m e nt a l disc ussion of U .S. fe de ra l inc om e t a x c onse que nc e s: you will be obligated pursuant to the terms of the
notes -- in the absence of a change in law, an administrative determination or a judicial ruling to the contrary -- to characterize
each note for all tax purposes as an income-bearing pre-paid derivative contract in respect of the index, as described under
"Supplemental Discussion of Federal Income Tax Consequences" herein. Pursuant to this approach, it is the opinion of Sidley
Austin LLP that it is likely that any interest payment will be taxed as ordinary income in accordance with your regular method of
accounting for U.S. federal income tax purposes. If you are a United States alien holder of the notes, we intend to withhold on
interest payments made to you at a 30% rate or at a lower rate specified by an applicable income tax treaty. In addition, upon the
sale, exchange, redemption or maturity of your notes, it would be reasonable for you to recognize capital gain or loss equal to the
difference, if any, between the amount of cash you receive at such time (excluding amounts attributable to any interest payment)
and your tax basis in your notes.

Ea rly re de m pt ion right : we have the right to redeem your notes, in whole but not in part, on each redemption date at a price
equal to 100% of the face amount plus accrued and unpaid interest to but excluding such redemption date, subject to ten business
days' prior notice.

Re de m pt ion da t e : the interest payment date that is expected to fall on November 30, 2016 and each interest payment date
occurring thereafter.

Ca sh se t t le m e nt a m ount (on t he st a t e d m a t urit y da t e ): subject to our early redemption right, for each $1,000 face
amount of your notes, in addition to any accrued and unpaid interest, we will pay you on the stated maturity date an amount in
cash equal to:

if the final index level is greater than or equal to the trigger buffer level, $1,000; or

if the final index level is less than the trigger buffer level, the sum of (1) $1,000 plus (2) the product of (i) $1,000 times (ii)

the index return

T rigge r buffe r le ve l: 594.407, which is 50.00% of the initial index level

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I nt e re st ra t e : for the first four interest payment dates, the interest rate will be 10.00% per annum. Thereafter, the interest rate
with respect to any interest payment date will be determined on the immediately preceding interest determination date, based on
the closing level of the index on each reference date during the interest period immediately preceding such interest payment date
and on the CMS spread on the applicable interest factor determination date. The interest rate will be equal to: the product of (1)
the interest factor times (2) the quotient of (i) the number of reference dates during the applicable interest period when the closing
level of the index is greater than or equal to the index barrier level divided by (ii) the number of reference dates in such interest
period. The interest rate will not be greater than 10.00% per annum or less than 0.00% per annum.

I nt e re st fa c t or: the interest factor for an interest period will be determined based on the CMS spread on the applicable interest
factor determination date and will be equal to:

if the CMS spread times 8.0 is greater than or equal to 10.00%, 10.00%;

if the CMS spread times 8.0 is less than 10.00% but greater than zero, the CMS spread times 8.0; or

if the CMS spread times 8.0 is less than or equal to zero, 0.00%

I nt e re st fa c t or de t e rm ina t ion da t e s: for each interest period, the second U.S. Government securities business day
preceding the interest payment date occurring during such interest period. For example, the interest factor determination date used
to determine the interest factor for interest to be paid on the 6th interest payment date shall be the second U.S. Government
securities business day preceding the 5th interest payment date.

I nt e re st de t e rm ina t ion da t e s: with respect to the 5th interest payment date and each interest payment date thereafter, the
tenth scheduled trading day prior to the applicable interest payment date, and the interest determination date will begin the interest
period for which payment will be made on the interest payment date occurring approximately three months thereafter. For example,
the quarterly interest period applicable to the 6th interest payment date shall begin on the interest determination date that is the
tenth scheduled trading day immediately preceding the 5th interest payment date and the interest rate to be

Table of Contents

paid on the 6th interest payment date shall be determined on the interest determination date that is the tenth scheduled business
day prior to the 6th interest payment date.

I nde x ba rrie r le ve l: 713.2884, which is 60.00% of the initial index level

I nit ia l inde x le ve l: 1,188.814

Fina l inde x le ve l: the closing level of the index on the determination date, except in the limited circumstances described under
"Specific Terms of Your Notes -- Consequences of a Market Disruption Event or a Non-Trading Day" on page S-22 and subject to
adjustment as provided under "Specific Terms of Your Notes -- Discontinuance or Modification of an Index" on page S-24

I nde x re t urn: the quotient of (1) the final index level minus the initial index level divided by (2) the initial index level, expressed
as a percentage

De t e rm ina t ion da t e : November 15, 2030, subject to adjustment as described under "Specific Terms of Your Notes --
Determination Date" on page S-21

Closing le ve l of t he inde x : the closing level of the index, as further described under "Specific Terms of Your Notes -- Special
Calculation Provisions -- Closing Level" on page S-26

I nt e re st pa ym e nt da t e s: the the last calendar day of each February and the 30th calendar day of each May, August and
November, beginning on February 29, 2016 and ending on the stated maturity date, subject to adjustments as described elsewhere
in the prospectus supplement

Re fe re nc e da t e : for each interest period, each day that is a scheduled trading day

Da y c ount c onve nt ion: 30/360 (ISDA)

Busine ss da y c onve nt ion: following unadjusted

Ac c rue d int e re st fa c t or: calculated in accordance with the day count convention with respect to each period from and
including each interest payment date (or the original issue date, in the case of the first interest payment) to but excluding the next
succeeding interest payment date

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Re gula r re c ord da t e s: one business day immediately preceding each interest payment date

De fe a sa nc e : not applicable

N o list ing: the offered notes will not be listed or displayed on any securities exchange or interdealer market quotation system

Busine ss da y: as described on page S-26

U .S. Gove rnm e nt se c urit ie s busine ss da y: any day except for a Saturday, Sunday or a day on which the Securities
Industry and Financial Markets Association recommends that the fixed income department of its members be closed for the entire
day for purposes of trading in U.S. government securities

T ra ding da y: as described on page S-26

Sc he dule d t ra ding da y: as described on page S-26

I nt e re st pe riod: the period from and including an interest determination date to but excluding the next succeeding interest
determination date, with the exception of the interest period related to the 5th interest payment date, which shall begin on the tenth
scheduled trading day prior to the 4th interest payment date. Interest periods are not relevant in determining the interest to be paid
on the first four interest payment dates.

Ca lc ula t ion a ge nt : Goldman, Sachs & Co. ("GS&Co.")

CU SI P no.: 38148THY8

I SI N no.: US38148THY82

FDI C: the notes are not bank deposits and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other
governmental agency, nor are they obligations of, or guaranteed by, a bank

Table of Contents


The following examples are provided for purposes of illustration only. They should not be taken as an indication or prediction
of future investment results and are intended merely to illustrate (i) the method we will use to determine the interest rate on any
given interest payment date after the first four interest payment dates, which is based on the levels of the CMS rates on the
applicable interest factor determination date and the closing level of the index on the reference dates in the interest period
immediately preceding the interest payment date, (ii) the method we will use to calculate the amount of interest accrued between
interest payment dates and (iii) the impact that the various hypothetical closing levels of the index on the determination date could
have on the cash settlement amount at maturity assuming all other variables remain constant.

The examples below are based on a range of levels of the index and the CMS rates that are entirely hypothetical; no one can
predict what the levels of the index or the CMS rates will be on any day throughout the life of your notes, what the final index level
will be on the determination date and what the interest rate will be on any interest payment date after the first four interest payment
dates. The index and the CMS rates have been highly volatile in the past -- meaning that the index level and the CMS rates have
changed substantially in relatively short periods -- and their performance cannot be predicted for any future period.

The information in the following examples reflects the method we will use to calculate the interest rate applicable to any
interest payment date and the hypothetical rates of return on the offered notes assuming that they are purchased on the original
issue date at the face amount and held to the stated maturity date. If you sell your notes in a secondary market prior to the stated
maturity date, as the case may be, your return will depend upon the market value of your notes at the time of sale, which may be
affected by a number of factors that are not reflected in the tables below such as interest rates, the volatility of the index and the
CMS rates and our creditworthiness. In addition, the estimated value of your notes at the time the terms of your notes are set on
the trade date (as determined by reference to pricing models used by GS&Co.) is less than the original issue price of your notes.
For more information on the estimated value of your notes, see "Additional Risk Factors Specific to Your Notes -- The Estimated
Value of Your Notes At the Time the Terms of Your Notes Are Set On the Trade Date (as Determined By Reference to Pricing
Models Used By GS&Co.) Is Less Than the Original Issue Price Of Your Notes" on page S-10 of this prospectus supplement. The
information in the tables also reflect the key terms and assumptions in the box below.

K e y T e rm s a nd Assum pt ions
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Face amount

Index barrier level
60.00% of the initial index level

Trigger buffer level
50.00% of the initial index level

The day count convention calculation results in an accrued interest factor of 0.25

The notes are not called

Neither a market disruption event nor a non-trading day occurs on any reference date or the originally scheduled determination

No change in or affecting any of the index stocks or the method by which the index sponsor calculates the index

Notes purchased on original issue date at the face amount and held to the stated maturity date

For these reasons, the actual performance of the index over the life of your notes, the actual levels of the index on any
reference date in any interest period, the actual levels of the CMS rates on any interest factor determination date, as well as the
interest payable at each interest payment date after the first four interest payment dates, may bear little relation to the hypothetical
examples shown below or to

Table of Contents

the historical levels of the index and the CMS spreads shown elsewhere in this prospectus supplement. For information about the
index levels and CMS spread during recent periods, see "The Index -- Historical Closing Levels of the Index" on page S-36 and
"Historical CMS Spreads" on page S-38. Before investing in the notes, you should consult publicly available information to
determine the index level and the CMS spread between the date of this prospectus supplement and the date of your purchase of
the notes.

The examples and tables below illustrate the method we will use to determine the interest factor on any interest factor
determination date and the method used to calculate the interest rate with respect to an interest payment date based on such
interest factor, subject to the key terms and assumptions above.

The interest factor applicable to any interest period is determined on the applicable interest factor determination date and will
equal the CMS spread times 8.0, subject to a maximum interest factor of 10.00%, and will be no less than zero. These examples
are based on a range of CMS spreads that are entirely hypothetical.

In calculating the interest rate for a given interest payment date using the hypothetical interest factor in each example, the
numbers in the first column of each table below represent the number of reference dates ("N") during any given interest period for
which the closing level of the index is greater than or equal to the index barrier level. The levels in the fourth column represent the
hypothetical interest amount, as a percentage of the face amount of each note, that would be payable with respect to a given
interest period in which the closing level of the index is greater than or equal to the index barrier level for a given number of
reference dates (as specified in the first column) assuming the hypothetical interest factor in such example.

Also, the hypothetical examples shown below do not take into account the effect of applicable taxes.

Ex a m ple 1 : Based on a hypothetical 30-year CMS rate of 7.00% and a hypothetical 2-year CMS rate of 6.50% on the
relevant interest factor determination date, the hypothetical interest factor for the relevant interest period equals:

(7.00% - 6.50%) x 8.0 = 4.00%

Because 0.50% times 8.0 equals 4.00%, which is less than 10.00% and greater than 0.00%, the hypothetical interest factor
for the relevant interest period shall be 4.00%.

Based on a hypothetical interest factor of 4.00%, the hypothetical interest rate with respect to the relevant interest payment
date and the hypothetical interest amount, as a percentage of the face amount of each note, that would be payable with respect to
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the relevant interest period in which the closing level of the index is greater than or equal to the index barrier level for the indicated
number of reference dates are set forth below:

Am ount of int e re st t o
be pa id on t he
Assum e d num be r of
re la t e d int e re st
e ligible t ra ding da ys
Fra c t ion (A/B) x
pa ym e nt da t e (using
in a n int e re st pe riod
H ypot he t ic a l I nt e re st
3 0 /3 6 0 (I SDA)
N * (A)
Fa c t or of 4 .0 0 %
c onve nt ion)

*The number of days for which the closing level of the index is greater than or equal to the index barrier level in a given
interest period is subject to numerous adjustments, as described elsewhere in this prospectus supplement.

Ex a m ple 2 : Based on a hypothetical 30-year CMS rate of 2.45% and a hypothetical 2-year CMS rate of 2.20% on the
relevant interest factor determination date, the hypothetical interest factor for the relevant interest period equals:

(2.45% - 2.20%) x 8.0 = 2.00%

Table of Contents

Because 0.25% times 8.0 equals 2.00%, which is less than 10.00% and greater than 0.00%, the hypothetical interest factor
for the relevant interest period shall be 2.00%.

Based on a hypothetical interest factor of 2.00%, the hypothetical interest rate with respect to the relevant interest payment
date and the hypothetical interest amount, as a percentage of the face amount of each note, that would be payable with respect to
the relevant interest period in which the closing level of the index is greater than or equal to the index barrier level for the indicated
number of reference dates are set forth below:

Am ount of int e re st t o
be pa id on t he
Assum e d num be r of
re la t e d int e re st
e ligible t ra ding da ys
Fra c t ion (A/B) x
pa ym e nt da t e (using
in a n int e re st pe riod
H ypot he t ic a l I nt e re st
3 0 /3 6 0 (I SDA)
N * (A)
Fa c t or of 2 .0 0 %
c onve nt ion)

*The number of days for which the closing level of the index is greater than or equal to the index barrier level in a given
interest period is subject to numerous adjustments, as described elsewhere in this prospectus supplement.

Ex a m ple 3 : Based on a hypothetical 30-year CMS rate of 9.00% and a hypothetical 2-year CMS rate of 3.00% on the
relevant interest factor determination date, the hypothetical interest factor for the relevant interest period equals:

(9.00% - 3.00%) x 8.0 = 48.00%

Because 6.00% times 8.0 equals 48.00%, which is greater than 10.00%, the interest factor for the relevant interest period
shall be 10.00%.

Based on a hypothetical interest factor of 10.00%, the hypothetical interest rate with respect to the relevant interest payment
http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886982/000110465915081638/a15-22132_16424b2.htm[11/27/2015 10:14:09 AM]

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