Obligation Advanzia Bank 0% ( NO0010740228 ) en NOK

Société émettrice Advanzia Bank
Prix sur le marché refresh price now   100 %  ⇌ 
Pays  Luxembourg
Code ISIN  NO0010740228 ( en NOK )
Coupon 0%
Echéance Perpétuelle

Prospectus brochure de l'obligation Advanzia Bank NO0010740228 en NOK 0%, échéance Perpétuelle

Montant Minimal 100 000 NOK
Montant de l'émission 85 000 000 NOK
Description détaillée L'Obligation émise par Advanzia Bank ( Luxembourg ) , en NOK, avec le code ISIN NO0010740228, paye un coupon de 0% par an.
Le paiement des coupons est annuel et la maturité de l'Obligation est le Perpétuelle

Til obligasjonseierne i / To the bondholders of:
ISIN: NO0010740228
- FRN Advanzia Bank S.a. Hybrid Perpetual Non-cumulative Callable
Bond issue
Oslo, 22.04.2020
Melding om førtidig innfrielse
Nordic Trustee AS er tillitsmann for overnevnte obligasjonslån der Advanzia Bank S.A. har meldt at de vil
benytte sin rett i henhold til låneavtalen til å innfri hele lånet før forfall ("call"):
100% av pari pluss renter
Calldato (betalingsdato):
Exercise of Call Option
Nordic Trustee AS acts as trustee for the above mentioned bond where
Advanzia Bank S.A. is the issuer.
Nordic Trustee AS has received notification from Advanzia Bank S.A. regarding the exercise of the call
option and the bond will be entirely repaid.
Call price:
100% of par value plus accrued interest
Settlement date:
Record date:
Yours sincerely
Nordic Trustee AS
Cecilie Natalie Haug
PO Box 1470 Vika, N-0116 Oslo, Kronprinsesse Märthas Plass 1, Oslo, nordictrustee.com