Obligation ABERDEEN GLOBAL II 0% ( LU0304239337 ) en GBP

Société émettrice ABERDEEN GLOBAL II
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Pays  Luxembourg
Code ISIN  LU0304239337 ( en GBP )
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Prospectus brochure de l'obligation ABERDEEN GLOBAL II LU0304239337 en GBP 0%, échéance Perpétuelle

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October 2015

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Luxembourg, le 2015-10-15

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier


IMPORTANT INFORMATION .....................................................................................................3
GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................................5
SUMMARY .....................................................................................................................................7
THE ABERDEEN ORGANISATION ............................................................................................7
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ABERDEEN GLOBAL II .............................................................7
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ABERDEEN GLOBAL SERVICES S.A......................................9
MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ...............................................................................9
PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ABERDEEN GLOBAL II ............................................12
PRINCIPAL AGREEMENTS .......................................................................................................15
FUND INFORMATION ................................................................................................................17
GENERAL RISK FACTORS ........................................................................................................38
DEALING IN SHARES OF ABERDEEN GLOBAL II ...............................................................45
CHARGES AND EXPENSES ......................................................................................................50
DIVIDEND POLICY.....................................................................................................................52
CALCULATION OF NET INVESTMENT INCOME .................................................................53
PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS .......................................................................................................54
TAXATION ...................................................................................................................................54
PUBLICATION OF SHARE PRICES ..........................................................................................56
MEETINGS AND REPORTS .......................................................................................................56
DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION ......................................................................56
KEY INVESTOR INFORMATION DOCUMENT ......................................................................56
Appendix A ­ Investment Restrictions, Investment Techniques and Risk Management
Process ...........................................................................................................................................57
Appendix B ­ Calculation of Net Asset Value ..............................................................................67
Appendix C ­ General Information ...............................................................................................69
Appendix D - Share Classes ..........................................................................................................74
Appendix E ­ Sales Charges and Management Fees .....................................................................75
Appendix F - Specific Information for Investors ...........................................................................77



This Prospectus should be read in its entirety before making an application for Shares. If you are in any doubt about the contents of
this Prospectus, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, lawyer, accountant or other authorised professional financial

To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information
contained in this Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything material to such information. Accordingly, the Directors
of Aberdeen Global II accept responsibility for the information contained in this Prospectus.

Statements made in this Prospectus are based on the law and practice currently in force in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and are subject to
changes in such law and practice.

Aberdeen Global II is authorised as an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities under the law dated 17 December 2010 on
undertakings for collective investments, as amended (the "Law") and qualifies as a UCITS.

Shares are offered only on the basis of the information contained in the current Prospectus, the latest Key Investor Information Document and
the latest Annual Report and Accounts or Interim Report and Accounts (if more recent than the Annual Report and Accounts) containing the
audited financial statements, and any subsequent unaudited Interim Report of Aberdeen Global II if issued thereafter, which are available from
the registered office of Aberdeen Global II in Luxembourg and from the Global and UK Distributors.

No dealer, salesperson or any other person is authorised to give any information or make any representations other than those contained in this
Prospectus and the documents referred to herein in connection with the offer made hereby, and, if given, any such information or
representations should be regarded as unauthorised and should accordingly not be relied upon.

The distribution of this Prospectus and the offering or purchase of the Shares may be restricted in certain jurisdictions. No persons receiving a
copy of this Prospectus or the accompanying Application Form in any such jurisdiction may treat this Prospectus or such Application Form as
constituting an invitation to them to subscribe for Shares, nor should they in any event use such Application Form, unless in the relevant
jurisdiction such an invitation could lawfully be made to them and such Application Form could lawfully be used without compliance with any
local registration or other legal requirements. It is the responsibility of any persons in possession of this Prospectus and any persons wishing to
apply for Shares pursuant to this Prospectus to inform themselves of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant
jurisdiction. Prospective applicants for Shares and any person in possession of this Prospectus should inform themselves as to the legal
requirements of so applying, and such possession, and of any applicable exchange control regulations and applicable taxes in the countries of
their respective citizenship, residence, ordinary residence or domicile. Accordingly, this Prospectus does not constitute an offer or solicitation
by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not lawful or in which the person making such offer or solicitation is not
qualified to do so or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.

The Shares of Aberdeen Global II will not be publicly offered in Canada. Any offering of Shares in Canada will be made only by way of private
placement: (i) pursuant to a Canadian offering memorandum containing certain prescribed disclosure, (ii) on a basis which is exempt from the
requirement that Aberdeen Global II prepare and file a prospectus with the relevant Canadian securities regulatory authorities pursuant to
applicable requirements in the relevant Canadian jurisdictions, and (iii) to persons or entities that are "permitted clients" (as such term is defined
in National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and On-going Registrant Obligations). The Management Company,
which acts as the manager of Aberdeen Global II as well as its private placement agent in Canada, is not registered in any capacity in any
jurisdiction in Canada and may rely on one or more exemptions from various registration requirements in certain Canadian jurisdictions. If a
Canadian-resident Investor, or an Investor that has become a Canadian-resident after purchasing Shares, is required to be a "permitted client"
and does not qualify, or no longer qualifies, as a "permitted client", the investor will not be able to purchase any additional Shares and may be
required to redeem its outstanding Shares.

United States of America
The Shares have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Aberdeen Global II has not been
registered under the United States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. Accordingly, the Shares may not be directly or indirectly
offered or sold in the United States of America or any of its states, territories, possessions or other areas subject to its jurisdiction or to or for the
benefit of a "US Person". A "US Person" for these purposes means a national or resident of the United States or any of its states, territories,
possessions or areas, subject to its jurisdiction (the "United States" and any partnership, corporation or other entity organised or created under
the laws of the United States or of any political subdivision thereof.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Shares may be offered or sold in the United States or to or for the benefit of US Persons with the prior
consent of Aberdeen Global II and in a manner exempt from registration under the said Acts.

Shareholder Rights
Aberdeen Global II draws the investors' attention to the fact that any investor will only be able to fully exercise his investor rights directly
against Aberdeen Global II, notably the right to participate in General Meetings of Shareholders if the investor is registered himself and in his
own name in the register of Shareholder of Aberdeen Global II. In cases where an investor invests in Aberdeen Global II through an
intermediary investing into Aberdeen Global II in his own name but on behalf of the investor, it may not always be possible for the investor to
exercise certain shareholder rights directly against Aberdeen Global II. Investors are advised to take advice on their rights.

The recognition, registration or authorisation of Aberdeen Global II in any jurisdiction does not require any authority to approve or disapprove
or take responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this or any Prospectus or the portfolios of securities held by Aberdeen Global II. Neither
should recognition or registration be taken to imply any responsibility of any authority for the financial soundness of any investment scheme, or
that investment in such a scheme is recommended, or that any statements made or opinions expressed with regard to that scheme are correct.
Any statement to the contrary is unauthorised and unlawful.


Aberdeen Global II may, following the publication of this Prospectus be authorised for public marketing in other countries. In the event of
further registrations the Prospectus may not be updated by an Addendum but will be updated when this Prospectus is next re-printed. Details of
current Fund authorisations are also available on www.aberdeen-asset.com or are available from the registered office of Aberdeen Global II or
the Transfer Agent.

This Prospectus may be translated into other languages. In the event that there is any inconsistency or ambiguity in relation to the meaning of
any word or phrase in any translation, the English text shall prevail except to the extent (but only to the extent) required by the law of any
jurisdiction where the Shares are sold, that in an action based upon disclosure in a Prospectus in an language other than English, the language of
the Prospectus on which such action is based shall prevail and all disputes as to the terms thereof shall be governed and construed in accordance
with Luxembourg law.


This glossary is intended to help readers who may be unfamiliar with the terms used in this Prospectus.

Application Form
The application form available from the Global Distributor, the UK Distributor, the Transfer Agent
or local distributors.

Articles of Incorporation
The articles of incorporation of Aberdeen Global II.

A company within the Aberdeen Asset Management PLC group of companies.

Balkan Countries
Those countries which were formerly part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (namely, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia); and, Albania.

Base Currency
In relation to a Fund means the base currency for the relevant Fund detailed under "Fund

Board of Directors/Board
The board of directors of Aberdeen Global II.

Business Day
A day on which banks in Luxembourg are open for business (24 December is not a Business Day).

A free association of former Soviet republics in the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in
December 1991. The original member states include: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Georgia, originally a member, withdrew from the association in 2009 but is included in the group for
the purposes of this Prospectus.

Pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors may decide to issue, within each
Class(es)/ Classes
Fund, separate classes of Shares (hereinafter referred to as a "Share Class" or "Class of Shares" or
"Class", as appropriate) whose assets will be commonly invested but where a specific initial or
redemption charge structure, fee structure, minimum subscription amount, currency, dividend policy
or other feature may be applied.

Connected Person
A person or corporation related by common ownership as more fully defined in Article 16 of the
Articles of Incorporation.

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier or its successor.

Dealing Day
With respect to any Fund, any Business Day other than days during a period of suspension of
dealing in Shares in that Fund.

Debt and Debt-Related Securities
Includes but is not limited to convertible and non-convertible corporate and non-corporate debt
securities, preferred securities, privately placed securities (which are securities sold directly in a
negotiated sale to institutional or private investors rather than a public offering such as privately
placed bonds), fixed and floating rate bonds, zero-coupon and discount bonds, debentures, notes,
certificates of deposit, banker's acceptances, bills of exchange, commercial paper, treasury bills,
asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities.

Directive 2009/65/EC
Directive 2009/65/EC on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provision relating
to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities, as may be amended.

Members of the Board.

Eastern Europe
The states of Central and Eastern Europe, including Russia, Turkey, the CIS and Balkan Countries.

The European Economic Area (the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein).

Efficient Portfolio Management
Techniques and instruments relating to transferable securities and money market instruments as
further described in the section "Techniques and Instruments" in Appendix A.

Eligible Market
A stock exchange or Regulated Market in one of the Eligible States.

Eligible State
Any Member State of the EU or any other state in Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Africa,
Australia, North America, South America and Oceania.

European Union

All references to "" and "Euro" are to the currency introduced at the third stage of economic union
pursuant to the Treaty establishing the European Union.


European Savings Tax Directive
Council Directive 2003/48/EC on the taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments, as
amended from time to time.

EU Member States who have adopted the Euro currency.

A sub-fund of Aberdeen Global II.

Institutional Investor
An institutional investor within the meaning of the Law.

Investment Amount
The amount submitted by or on behalf of an investor for investment in any of the Funds and out of
which any initial or other charges will be paid prior to investment.

Investment Grade
Having a rating of at least BBB- by Standard & Poor's or at least Baa3 by Moody's Investor
Services or at least BBB- by Fitch Ratings, or be considered equivalent by the Investment Manager
using similar credit criteria at the time of purchase. In the case of split ratings, the highest rating can
be used.

Investment Grade Currencies
Currencies whose long term local currency sovereign rating is Investment Grade.

Information The key investor information document available for a Share Class of a Fund from time to time.
Document or KIID

The Luxembourg law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment as amended.

In relation to the investment objectives of the Funds shall mean at least fifty one per cent of the
assets of the relevant Fund are directly invested in the currency, country, the type of security or other
material element set out in the investment objective of the relevant Fund.

Member State
A member state as defined in the Law.

Money Market Instruments
Instruments normally dealt in on the money market which are liquid, and have a value which can be
accurately determined at any time.

Net Asset Value
In relation to any Class of Shares in a Fund, the value of the net assets of that Fund attributable to
that Class and calculated in accordance with the provisions described in Section 1 of Appendix B.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Operating, Administrative and
The fixed ordinary operating expenses referred to in the section "Operating Administrative and
Servicing Expenses
Servicing Expenses" under "Charges and Expenses".


Other UCIs
An undertaking for collective investment which has as its sole object the collective investment in
transferable securities and/or other liquid financial assets of capital raised from the public and which
operates on the principle of risk spreading and the units/shares of which are at the request of holders
repurchased or redeemed directly or indirectly out of those undertakings' assets provided that action
taken to ensure that the stock exchange value of such units/shares does not significantly vary shall be
regarded as equivalent to such repurchase or redemption.

In relation to the investment objectives of the Funds shall mean that at least two thirds of the assets
of the relevant Fund are directly invested in the currency, country, the type of security or other
material element set out in the investment objective.

Regulated Market
A regulated market as defined in the directive 2004/39/EC of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial
instruments (Directive 2004/39/EC), namely a market which appears on the list of the regulated
markets drawn up by each Member State, which functions regularly, is characterized by the fact that
regulations issued or approved by the competent authorities define the conditions for the operation
of the market, the conditions for access to the market and the conditions that must be satisfied by a
financial instrument before it can effectively be dealt in on the market, requiring compliance with all
the reporting and transparency requirements laid down by the Directive 2004/39/EC and any other
market which is regulated, operates regularly and is recognised and open to the public in an Eligible

Repurchase Transactions
Financial instruments used in securities and money markets as further described in section
"Techniques and Instruments" in Appendix A.

Any share of any Class of a Fund.

Any person holding Shares of a Fund.

Share Price
The price of a Share in any one of the Funds, this price being the Net Asset Value of that Share
Class divided by the number of Shares in issue in that Class, adjusted and calculated as described in
Section 2 of Appendix B.



Socially Responsible Investment.

All references to "Sterling", "£" and "pounds" are to the pound Sterling, the currency of the United

Sub-Investment Grade
Having a rating which is below Investment Grade or having no rating.

Swiss Franc
All references to "Swiss Franc" and "CHF" are to the Swiss Franc, the currency of Switzerland.

Transferable Securities
Shares and other securities equivalent to shares, Debt and Debt-Related Securities, and any other
negotiable securities which carry the right to acquire any such transferable securities by subscription
or exchange referred to in article 41 of the Law, excluding the techniques and instruments referred to
in article 42 of the Law.

An Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities.

The United Kingdom.

US Dollars
All references to "US$" and "US Dollars" are to the United States Dollar, the currency of the United
States of America.

All references to "Yen" and "¥" are to the Japanese Yen, the currency of Japan.


This Prospectus relates to the offering of separate Classes of Shares of no par value of Aberdeen Global II. Shares are issued fully paid with
respect to one of the Funds described under "Fund Information", on the terms and conditions outlined in this Prospectus. The base currency of
each Share Class is the same as the Base Currency of the underlying Fund unless otherwise detailed in Appendix D.

All Classes of Shares of all the Funds that are in issue may be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

Up to date Fund and Share Class information can be found at www.aberdeen-asset.com or is available from the registered office of Aberdeen
Global II or the Transfer Agent.


Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, a company listed on the London Stock Exchange, is the holding company of a fund management group (the
"Aberdeen Group") with offices in Europe, the United States of America and Asia. Aberdeen International Fund Managers Limited is regulated
by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited is regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct
Authority in the United Kingdom. Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Aberdeen
Asset Management Inc. is regulated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Aberdeen Asset Management Limited is
regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. Aberdeen Asset Management Canada Limited is regulated by the Ontario
Securities Commission. The share capital of Aberdeen International Fund Managers Limited is held by Aberdeen Asset Management PLC and
Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited. Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited, Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited and Aberdeen
Asset Management Inc. are all wholly owned subsidiaries of Aberdeen Asset Management PLC. The entire issued share capital of Aberdeen
Asset Management Limited is held by Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited. The entire issued share capital of Aberdeen Asset
Management Canada Limited is held by Aberdeen Asset Management Inc. The share capital of Aberdeen Global Services S.A. is held by
Aberdeen International Fund Managers Limited, Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited and Aberdeen Asset Management PLC. As at 30 June
2015, the Aberdeen Group managed in excess of £ 307.3 billion.


The Directors of Aberdeen Global II are responsible for the management and administration of Aberdeen Global II and for its overall
investment policy.

Lynn Birdsong
was managing director of Zurich Scudder Investments where he worked from 1979 to 2002. He is a Chartered
Financial Analyst and has an MBA from Pace University, New York. He is an independent director of The
Nomura Partner's Funds and The Hartford Funds and a trustee of the Natural History Museum of the
Adirondacks in the United States and was formerly a director of the Sovereign High Yield Investment

Martin Gilbert
was founding director of Aberdeen Asset Management PLC in 1983 and has been Chief Executive since 1991.
He holds a Masters degree in Accountancy and Bachelor's degree in Law from Aberdeen University, and is a
qualified Chartered Accountant. He is also Chairman of Aberdeen's principal subsidiaries. He is a director of
the Investment Manager and sits on the boards of several investment trusts and closed end funds. He is also a
non-executive director of British Sky Broadcasting Group plc and a member of the Scottish Government's
Financial Services Advisory Board, the UK Treasury's Financial Services Trade and Investment Board, the
Prudential Regulation Authority's Practitioner Panel, the Monetary Authority of Singapore's International
Advisory Panel and the International Advisory Board of British American Business. He is Adjunct Professor
of Finance at Imperial College Business School.



Soraya Hashimzai
is a Conducting Officer of the Management Company, responsible for the effective operation of the services
provided to Aberdeen's Luxembourg domiciled SICAVs. She joined Aberdeen Asset Management in April
2010 and also holds the role of Head of Legal ­ Product Development and Management for the Aberdeen
Group. She has been admitted as a Solicitor in England and Wales specialising in corporate and funds law
since 2004.

Bob Hutcheson
was a partner with KPMG, Accountants from 1980 to 2007. He is currently Chairman at Bancon
Developments Holdings Limited (construction and house building), non-executive at North Banchory
Company Limited (property development), Imes Group Holdings Limited (inspection), Water Weights Group
(load measurement) and UCAN (cancer charity).

Christopher Little
formed Century Group Limited in 1983. He was Chief Executive Officer of Century Group and of its principal
subsidiary, Century Life PLC. He has held several non-executive directorships and is currently a director of
Aberdeen Asset Management Life and Pensions Limited and Abbey Life Assurance Company Limited.

Ronaldo da Frota Nogueira
has been director and Chief Executive Officer of financial publishing company IMF Editora Ltda. since 1985.
He was previously a founder and director of the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts, the
Brazilian Association of Investment Professionals and the Brazilian Capital Markets Institute. He was also
formerly a director of the Sovereign High Yield Investment Company.

David van der Stoep
a barrister-at-law of Gray's Inn, London, was a founding shareholder and Managing Director of Staten Bank
Holland NV in The Hague from 1976 to 1989 and was the President of AR Group Limited, in Monaco, for
over 20 years, where he was involved in corporate and mining finance. Present involvement is in the
retirement funds and investment industry in Cape Town.

Hugh Young
was an investment manager with Fidelity International and MGM Assurance prior to joining what is now
Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited in December 1985. He is the managing director of Aberdeen Asset
Management Asia Limited, responsible for all investment in the Far East, as well as a director of Aberdeen
Asset Management PLC and Global Head of Equities for the Aberdeen Group. He is also a director of the
Investment Manager and a number of investment trusts, and of the Management Company. He graduated with
a BA (Hons) in politics from Exeter University.




Rod MacRae
is Group Head of Risk for Aberdeen and is responsible for UK and global risk, regulatory compliance, legal
services, business and investment risk and serves as chairman of the group risk management committee. He
joined Aberdeen in 2003 following the acquisition of Edinburgh Fund Managers. He holds a Masters degree in
Accountancy from the University of Edinburgh and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of

Hugh Young
was an investment manager with Fidelity International and MGM Assurance prior to joining what is now
Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited in December 1985. He is the managing director of Aberdeen Asset
Management Asia Limited, responsible for all investment in the Far East, as well as a director of Aberdeen Asset
Management PLC and Global Head of Equities for the Aberdeen Group. He is also a director of the Investment
Manager and a number of investment trusts, and of the Management Company. He graduated with a BA (Hons)
in politics from Exeter University.

Menno de Vreeze
is Head of Business Development - Offshore Wealth Management, Americas. He joined Aberdeen Asset
Management in April 2010 after he was the Head of the Netherlands at Carmignac Gestion. He holds a Masters
degree in International Business with a specialization in Finance from the Business School in Sophia Antipolis
which he obtained in 2002. He then went on to obtain a double diploma within the European Business
Programme during which he studied at the Bordeaux Business School and the Rotterdam School of Economics.

Alan Hawthorn
is Global Head of Investor Services and is responsible for all in-house and outsourced transfer agency operations
and product management for the Aberdeen Group. He joined Aberdeen in 1996 from Prolific Financial
Management where he was an administration manager. He is a Director of a number of subsidiary companies
within the Aberdeen Group. He graduated with a BA in Commerce at Napier University.

Ken Fry
is Chief Operating Officer of the Aberdeen Asset Management group and head of the operations division. He
joined Aberdeen in 1989 with the acquisition of Frederick's Place Group where he was responsible for
investment technology. He joined the board of Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited in 2001 and was appointed to
the group management board in 2005. He graduated from the University of Essex with a BA in Computer

Hans Benenga
is Global Deputy Head of Distribution. He joined Aberdeen via the acquisition of Deutsche Asset Management's
London and Philadelphia fixed income businesses in 2005, holding the position of Head of Institutional Sales,
The Netherlands there. Prior to joining DeAM, he worked at Merrill Lynch in Amsterdam from 1999 where he
was a financial advisor to UHNW's and institutional clients. He started his career at Ernst & Young in 1988. He
graduated from the Haagse Hogeschool in The Hague as a bachelor in Business Economics, and also graduated
as a Register Beleggings Analist (Dutch CFA) from the VBA at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.

Michael Determann
holds the role of Company Secretary Aberdeen Global at Aberdeen Asset Management, and is also a director of
Aberdeen Asset Management Deutschland AG. He began his career in 1983 with the Allianz Group fixed income
investment department before being responsible for industrial shareholdings of Allianz Group. He subsequently
became the Head of Investments for Allianz Austria in Vienna in 1994. In 2003 he joined DEGI Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Immobilienfonds mbH (now Aberdeen Asset Management Deutschland AG) as Managing
Director. He holds a degree in law from Tübingen University and previously was a practicing lawyer specialising
in civil law.


Copies of this Prospectus and further information can be obtained from Aberdeen Global II from any of the following addresses:

Registered Office
Aberdeen Global II

2b, rue Albert Borschette
L- 1246 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Management Company,
Aberdeen Global Services S.A.

2b, rue Albert Borschette
Registrar and Transfer
L- 1246 Luxembourg
Agent and Listing Agent
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

For Shareholder Services:
Aberdeen Global Services S.A.

c/o State Street Bank Luxembourg
49, Avenue J. F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
(352) 46 40 10 820
(Shareholders outside UK)
(352) 24 52 90 56



For UK Shareholders, the UK
Distributor maintains the following
telephone enquiry number:
01224 425255 (UK

In addition, the UK Distributor retains
the following email enquiry address
for all investors:
Email: aberdeen.global@aberdeen-

Paying Agent
State Street Bank Luxembourg

49, Avenue J. F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

and BNP Paribas Securities Services,

Luxembourg Branch

Address until 31 December 2015:

33, rue de Gasperich
L-5826 Hesperange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Address from 1 January 2016:

60, avenue J.F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Bearer Shares Depositary
Banque Internationale à

Luxembourg S.A.
69, route d'Esch
L-2953 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Global Distributor and
Aberdeen International Fund

Investment Manager
Managers Limited

Rooms 2603-06
26th Floor, Alexandra House
18 Chater Road
Hong Kong
(852) 2103 4700
(852) 2103 4788

Investment Advisers
Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited
Aberdeen Asset Management
Aberdeen Asset Management

10 Queens Terrace
Asia Limited
21 Church Street
32nd Floor
AB10 1YG
#01-01 Capital Square Two
1735 Market Street
United Kingdom
Singapore 049480

PA 19103
Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited is
Aberdeen Asset Management

authorised and regulated by the
Asia Limited is regulated by the
Aberdeen Asset Management
Financial Conduct Authority.
Monetary Authority of
Inc. is authorised by the

Securities and Exchange
Commission of the United
States of America.

Aberdeen Asset Management
Aberdeen Asset Management

Canada Limited
Level 6
161 Bay Street, 44th Floor
201 Kent Street
TD Canada Trust Tower
Toronto, Ontario
NSW 2000
M5J 2S1

Aberdeen Asset Management Limited
Aberdeen Asset Management
is authorised and regulated by the
Canada Limited is authorised and
Australian Securities and Investments
regulated by the Ontario
Securities Commission

