Obbligazione Airbus 2.375% ( XS1050846507 ) in EUR

Emittente Airbus
Prezzo di mercato 99.391 EUR  ▼ 
Paese  Paesi Bassi
Codice isin  XS1050846507 ( in EUR )
Tasso d'interesse 2.375% per anno ( pagato 1 volta l'anno)
Scadenza 02/04/2024 - Obbligazione è scaduto

Prospetto opuscolo dell'obbligazione Airbus XS1050846507 in EUR 2.375%, scaduta

Importo minimo /
Importo totale /
Descrizione dettagliata The Obbligazione issued by Airbus ( Netherlands ) , in EUR, with the ISIN code XS1050846507, pays a coupon of 2.375% per year.
The coupons are paid 1 time per year and the Obbligazione maturity is 02/04/2024

Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus dated
2 August 2013

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Under the Euro Medium Term Note Programme described in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus (the "
"), each of European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS
N.V. ("
") and EADS Finance B.V. ("
") (each an " %%
" or a "
& ,
), subject to compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and directives, may from time to
time issue Euro Medium Term Notes (the "
%") denominated in any currency agreed between the Issuer and the Relevant Dealers (as defined herein). Payments of all amounts due in respect
of Notes issued by EADS B.V. (the "'

%") will be guaranteed by EADS (in such capacity, the "'

"). The aggregate nominal amount of Notes outstanding will not at
any time exceed 3,000,000,000 (or the equivalent in other currencies).
Notice of the aggregate nominal amount of the Notes, interest (if any) payable in respect of the Notes, the issue price of the Notes and any final terms not contained herein and which are
applicable to such Notes will be set out in the Final Terms relating to such Notes (each, "
This Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus (hereinafter referred to as "
* %%
%- ) %", "
%- ) %" or "
%- ) %"), constitutes two base prospectuses for
the purpose of Article 5(4) of Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended by Directive 2010/73/EU (except as otherwise specified herein) (the ". /
) , ")) (the "
%- ) %
) , "): (i) a base prospectus for Notes issued under the Programme by EADS and (ii) a base prospectus for Notes issued under the Programme by EADS B.V.
This Prospectus supersedes and replaces the base prospectus dated 6 August 2012 prepared in relation to the Programme.
Application has been made to the
(the "
") in its capacity as competent authority under the Luxembourg Act dated 10 July 2005 relating
to prospectuses for securities (the "0 1
%- ) %
) "), for the approval of this Prospectus as a base prospectus for the purposes of Article 5.4 of the Prospectus Directive.
Application has also been made to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for Notes issued under the Programme to be admitted to the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (the " "" ) &
0 % ") and to be admitted to trading on the Regulated Market (as defined below) of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. References in this Document to the "Luxembourg Stock Exchange" (and
all related references) shall mean the Regulated Market. In addition, references in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus to Notes being "listed" (and all related references) shall mean that
such Notes have been, or are intended to be, admitted to the Official List and admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange or, as the case may be, a MiFID Regulated Market (as
defined below). The Luxembourg Stock Exchange's Regulated Market is a regulated market for the purposes of Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on
Markets in financial instruments (the "
, %

, ) %
) , ") and, after its implementation into Luxembourg law, for the purposes of the Markets in Financial Instrument Directive
(Directive 2004/39/EC) (each such regulated market being a "
! &
2 "). This Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus may be used to list Notes on the regulated market
"Bourse de Luxembourg" (the "
! &
2 ") of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, pursuant to the Programme. The Programme provides that Notes may be listed on such other or
further stock exchange(s) as may be agreed between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer(s). The Issuer may also issue unlisted Notes.
Pursuant to Article 7(7) of the Luxembourg Prospectus Act, by approving this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus, the CSSF gives no undertakings as to the economic and financial
characteristics of the Notes to be issued hereunder or the quality or solvency of the Issuer. Furthermore, pursuant to the Luxembourg Prospectus Act, the CSSF is not competent to approve
prospectuses for the offering to the public or for the admission to trading on regulated markets of money market instruments having a maturity at issue of less than 12 months.
Tranches of Notes (as defined in "General Description of the Programme") will be rated or unrated. Where a Tranche of Notes is to be rated, such rating will not necessarily be the same as the
rating assigned to the Notes already issued. Whether or not a rating in relation to any Tranche of Notes will be treated as having been issued by a credit rating agency established in the
European Union and registered under Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 on credit rating agencies (the "
! &
") will be disclosed in the relevant Final Terms.
A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to suspension, reduction or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agency.
Each Series (as defined on page 10) of Notes in bearer form will be represented on issue by a temporary global note in bearer form (each a "
$ '& * &
" and a "'& * &
") or
a permanent global note in bearer form (each a "-
'& * &
" and a "'& * &
"). Each Series of Notes in registered form will be represented on issue by a registered global
certificate ("'& * &
" ) "). If the Global Notes are stated in the applicable Final Terms to be issued in new global note (" ' ") form or the Global Certificate is held under the New
Safekeeping Structure (the "
"), the Global Notes or, as applicable, the Global Certificate will be delivered on or prior to the original issue date of the Tranche to a common safekeeper (the
" 2 -
") for Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. ("
") and Clearstream Banking, société anonyme (" &
0 1
!"). Global notes which are not issued in NGN
form (" & %% ) '& * &
%" or " ' %") and Global Certificates which are not held under the NSS will be deposited on the issue date with a common depositary on behalf of Euroclear and
Clearstream, Luxembourg (the "
- %
The price and the amount of the relevant Notes to be issued under the Programme will be determined by the Issuer and the Relevant Dealer based on prevailing market conditions at the time of
issue of such Notes and will be set out in the relevant Final Terms.
In the case of any Notes which are to be admitted to trading on a regulated market within the European Economic Area or offered to the public in a Member State of the European Economic
Area in circumstances which require the publication of a prospectus under the Prospectus Directive, the minimum denomination shall be 100,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency as at
the date of issue of the Notes). The minium denomination of Notes issued by EADS shall be 100,000. Prospective investors should have regard to the factors described under the section
headed "Risk Factors" in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus.
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EADS accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus
(including, for the avoidance of doubt, any information contained in the Final Terms relating to an issue of
Notes where EADS is acting as Issuer of such Notes). To the best of the knowledge of EADS, the information
contained in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and does not omit
anything likely to affect the import of such information. The registered office of EADS is located at
Mendelweg 30, 2333 CS Leiden, The Netherlands.
EADS B.V. accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus
(including, for the avoidance of doubt, any information contained in the Final Terms relating to an issue of
Notes where EADS B.V. is acting as Issuer of such Notes). To the best of the knowledge of EADS B.V., the
information contained in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus in relation to it is in accordance with the
facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The registered office of
EADS B.V. is located at Mendelweg 30, 2333 CS Leiden, The Netherlands.

RISK FACTORS ................................................................................................................................................ 1
DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE...................................................................................... 4
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME ..................................................................................... 9
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE NOTES ..............................................................................................14
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS ..........................................................................................................................49
DESCRIPTION OF EADS ...............................................................................................................................50
FINANCIAL YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2012, 2011 AND 2010 ................................................57
MONTH PERIODS ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 AND 2012.........................................................................61
DESCRIPTION OF EADS B.V. .......................................................................................................................63
ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2012 AND 2011 ..............................................................................................65
PERIODS ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 AND 2012 ........................................................................................68
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS...........................................................................................................................69
TAXATION .......................................................................................................................................................70
SUBSCRIPTION AND SALE ..........................................................................................................................75
REGULATED MARKET (CGN & NGN)................................................................................................79
GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................88

& !
EADS is subject to many risks and uncertainties that may affect its financial performance. The business,
financial condition or results of operation of EADS could be materially adversely affected by the risks
described in the 2012 Registration Document (as defined herein) and in the EADS Interims (as defined
herein) which are incorporated by reference in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus (Section "Risk
& !
Payment of principal and interest on notes issued by EADS B.V. are guaranteed by EADS. Therefore, the
risks in respect of EADS B.V. substantially correspond to those of EADS.
%2 " )
& ! #

"& ) % "

Potential conflicts of interest may arise between the calculation agent, if any, for a Tranche of Notes and the
Noteholders, including with respect to certain discretionary determinations and judgements that such
calculation agent may make pursuant to the Terms and Conditions that may influence the amount receivable
upon redemption of the Notes.
, !%
) ,
Under EC Council Directive 2003/48/EC on the taxation of savings income, each Member State is required to
provide to the tax authorities of another Member State details of payments of interest or other similar income
paid by a person within its jurisdiction to, or collected by such a person for, an individual resident or certain
limited types of entity established in that other Member State; however, for a transitional period, Luxembourg
and Austria may instead apply a withholding system in relation to such payments, deducting tax at rates rising
over time to 35 per cent.. The transitional period is to terminate at the end of the first full fiscal year following
agreement by certain nonGEU countries to the exchange of information relating to such payments. On 10 April
2013, Luxembourg officially announced that it will no longer apply the withholding tax system as from 1
January 2015 and will provide details of payment of interest (or similar income) as from this date. A number
of nonGEU countries and certain dependent or associated territories of certain Member States have adopted
similar measures (either provision of information or transitional withholding) in relation to payments made by
a person within its jurisdiction to, or collected by such a person for, an individual resident or certain limited
types of entity established in a Member State. In addition, the Member States have entered into provision of
information or transitional withholding arrangements with certain of those dependent or associated territories
in relation to payments made by a person in a Member State to, or collected by such a person for, an
individual resident or certain limited types of entity established in one of those territories.
On 13 November 2008 the European Commission published a proposal for amendments to the Directive,
which included a number of suggested changes. The European Parliament approved an amended version of
this proposal on 24 April 2009. If any of those proposed changes are made in relation to the Directive, they
may amend or broaden the scope of the requirements described above.
If a payment were to be made or collected through a Member State which has opted for a withholding system
and an amount of, or in respect of, tax were to be withheld from that payment, neither the Issuer nor any
Paying Agent nor any other person would be obliged to pay additional amounts with respect to any Note as a

result of the imposition of such withholding tax. If a withholding tax is imposed on a payment made by a
Paying Agent, the Issuer will be required to maintain a Paying Agent in a Member State that will not be
obliged to withhold or deduct tax pursuant to the Directive.
G ## &
Whilst the Notes are in global form and held within Euroclear Bank SA/NV and Clearstream Banking, société
anonyme (together, the "
"), in all but the most remote circumstances, it is not expected that FATCA (as
defined in "
") will affect the amount of any payment received by the ICSDs
(see "
"). However, FATCA may affect payments made to custodians or
intermediaries in the subsequent payment chain leading to the ultimate investor if any such custodian or
intermediary generally is unable to receive payments free of FATCA withholding. It also may affect payment
to any ultimate investor that is a financial institution that is not entitled to receive payments free of
withholding under FATCA, or an ultimate investor that fails to provide its broker (or other custodian or
intermediary from which it receives payment) with any information, forms, other documentation or consents
that may be necessary for the payments to be made free of FATCA withholding. Investors should choose the
custodians or intermediaries with care (to ensure each is compliant with FATCA or other laws or agreements
related to FATCA), provide each custodian or intermediary with any information, forms, other documentation
or consents that may be necessary for such custodian or intermediary to make a payment free of FATCA
withholding. Investors should consult their own tax adviser to obtain a more detailed explanation of FATCA
and how FATCA may affect them. The Issuer's obligations under the Notes are discharged once it has paid
the common depositary or common safekeeper for the ICSDs (as bearer or registered holder of the Notes) and
the Issuer has therefore no responsibility for any amount thereafter transmitted through hands of the ICSDs
and custodians or intermediaries. Please see "
" for more information on this
" 0 8
The Terms and Conditions of the Notes are based on English law in effect as at the date of this Debt Issuance
Programme Prospectus. No assurance can be given as to the impact of any possible judicial decision or
change in English law or the official application or interpretation of English law after the date of this Debt
Issuance Programme Prospectus.


"& ) &&
One or more independent credit rating agencies may assign credit ratings to the Notes. The ratings may not
reflect the potential impact of all risks related to structure, market, additional factors discussed above, and
other factors that may affect the value of the Notes. A credit rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or
hold securities and may be revised or withdrawn by the rating agency at any time.
" #
The market value of the Notes will be affected by the creditworthiness of the Issuer and a number of
additional factors, including the value of the reference assets, including, but not limited to, the volatility of the
reference assets, market interest and yield rates and the time remaining to the maturity date.
The value of the Notes or the reference assets depends on a number of interrelated factors, including
economic, financial and political events in France, Germany, Spain or elsewhere, including factors affecting
capital markets generally and the stock exchanges on which the Notes or the reference assets are traded. The
price at which a Noteholder will be able to sell the Notes prior to maturity may be at a discount, which could
be substantial, from the issue price or the purchase price paid by such purchaser. The historical market prices
of the reference assets should not be taken as an indication of the reference assets' future performance during
the term of any Note.

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The market for the Notes is influenced by economic and market conditions and, to varying degrees, market
conditions, interest rates, currency exchange rates and inflation rates in other European and other
industrialised countries. There can be no assurance that events in France, Germany, Spain, the rest of Europe
or elsewhere will not cause market volatility or that such volatility will not adversely affect the price of Notes
or that economic and market conditions will not have any other adverse effect.
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, & -
There can be no assurance that an active trading market for the Notes will develop, or, if one does develop,
that it will be maintained. If an active trading market for the Notes does not develop or is not maintained, the
market or trading price and liquidity of the Notes may be adversely affected. The Issuer and any of its
subsidiaries are entitled to buy the Notes and the Issuer may issue further Notes, as described in Condition 15.
Such transactions may favourably or adversely affect the price development of the Notes. If additional and
competing products are introduced in the markets, this may adversely affect the value of the Notes.
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The Final Terms for a particular issue of Notes may provide for early redemption at the option of the Issuer
(including a MakeGWhole Redemption by the Issuer as described in Condition 6(e)). Such right of termination
is often provided for bonds or notes in periods of high interest rates. If the market interest rates decrease, the
risk to Noteholders that the Issuer will exercise its right of termination increases. As a consequence, the yields
received upon redemption may be lower than expected, and the redeemed face amount of the Notes may be
lower than the purchase price for the Notes paid by the Noteholder. As a consequence, part of the capital
invested by the Noteholder may be lost, so that the Noteholder in such case would not receive the total
amount of the capital invested. In addition, investors that choose to reinvest monies they receive through an
early redemption may be able to do so only in securities with a lower yield than the redeemed Notes.
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A key difference between Floating Rate Notes and Fixed Rate Notes is that interest income on Floating Rate
Notes cannot be anticipated. Due to varying interest income, investors are not able to determine a definite
yield of Floating Rate Notes at the time they purchase them, so that their return on investment cannot be
compared with that of investments having longer fixed interest periods. If the terms and conditions of the
notes provide for frequent interest payment dates, investors are exposed to the reinvestment risk if market
interest rates decline. That is, investors may reinvest the interest income paid to them only at the relevant
lower interest rates then prevailing.
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Changes in market interest rates have a substantially stronger impact on the prices of Zero Coupon Notes than
on the prices of ordinary Notes because the discounted issue prices are substantially below par. If market
interest rates increase, Zero Coupon Notes can suffer higher price losses than other Notes having the same
maturity and credit rating. Due to their leverage effect, Zero Coupon Notes are a type of investment
associated with a particularly high price risk.
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As purchasers of foreign currency Notes, investors are exposed to the risk of changing foreign exchange rates.
This risk is in addition to any performance risk that relates to the Issuers or the type of Note being issued.

This Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus should be read and construed in conjunction with the following
documents, which have been previously published or are published simultaneously with this Debt Issuance
Programme Prospectus and filed with the CSSF and which shall be deemed to be incorporated in, and to form
part of, this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus:
the registration document of EADS dated 3 April 2013 (the ". /.
! %

the registration document of EADS dated 12 April 2012 (the ". //
! %

the audited consolidated financial statements of EADS for the financial year ended 31 December 2012
and the independent auditors' report thereon (the ". /.
) &
the audited consolidated financial statements of EADS for the financial year ended 31 December 2011
and the independent auditors' report thereon (the ". //
) &
the audited financial statements of EADS B.V. for the financial year ended 31 December 2012 and the
independent auditors' report thereon (the ". /.

) &
the audited financial statements of EADS B.V. for the financial year ended 31 December 2011 and the
independent auditors' report thereon (the ". //

) &
the first halfGyear 2013 financial report of EADS, including the unaudited condensed IFRS
consolidated financial information of EADS for the sixGmonth period ended 30 June 2013 and the
review report thereon (the "

(viii) the unaudited semiGannual financial statements of EADS B.V. for the sixGmonth period ended 30 June
2013 (the "

the press release published by EADS on 2 April 2013 announcing the new Chairman of the Board of
Directors of EADS and committee members and the launch of the share buyback programme;
the press release published by EADS on 31 July 2013 commenting on the halfGyear financial
statements and recent developments; and
the Offering Circular dated 13 January 2003 and the Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus dated 31
July 2009 each relating to the Programme,
save that any statement contained in a document which is deemed to be incorporated by reference herein shall
be deemed to be modified or superseded for the purpose of this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus to the
extent that a statement contained herein modifies or supersedes such earlier statement (whether expressly, by
implication or otherwise). Any statement so modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as so
modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus.
The 2012 and 2011 financial statements of EADS and EADS B.V. were prepared in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards ("
") issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
") and as endorsed by the European Union and with Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
The Issuers will provide, free of charge, at the specified offices of the Paying Agents, upon oral or written
request, a copy of this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus (and any document incorporated by reference
herein). Written or oral requests for such documents should be directed to the specified office of any Paying
Agent or the Listing Agent in Luxembourg.

The documents incorporated by reference in this Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus will be published on
the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (www.bourse.lu).