Bond Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 0% ( XS2454260972 ) in AUD

Issuer Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
Market price refresh price now   100 %  ⇌ 
Country  United Arab Emirates
ISIN code  XS2454260972 ( in AUD )
Interest rate 0%
Maturity 09/03/2027

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Minimal amount 200 000 AUD
Total amount 30 000 000 AUD
Detailed description Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) is a major commercial bank in the United Arab Emirates, offering a wide range of financial services including retail banking, corporate banking, investment banking, and wealth management to both individuals and corporations.

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank issued a AUD 30,000,000 bond (ISIN: XS2454260972) maturing on 09/03/2027, currently trading at 100% with a 0% coupon rate, minimum lot size of AUD 200,000 and annual interest payments.