Bond Asian Development Bank 0.2% ( XS1824294901 ) in EUR

Issuer Asian Development Bank
Market price 100 %  ⇌ 
Country  Philippines
ISIN code  XS1824294901 ( in EUR )
Interest rate 0.2% per year ( payment 1 time a year)
Maturity 25/05/2023 - Bond has expired

Prospectus brochure of the bond Asian Development Bank XS1824294901 in EUR 0.2%, expired

Minimal amount /
Total amount /
Detailed description The Bond issued by Asian Development Bank ( Philippines ) , in EUR, with the ISIN code XS1824294901, pays a coupon of 0.2% per year.
The coupons are paid 1 time per year and the Bond maturity is 25/05/2023


Series No: 984-00-1
0.20 per cent. Global Notes due 25 May 2023

Issue price: 99.866 per cent.

Joint Lead Managers
Crédit Agricole CIB
Goldman Sachs International

The date of this Pricing Supplement is 23 May 2018.

This pricing supplement (the "Pricing Supplement") is issued to give details of an
issue of EUR1,250,000,000 0.20 per cent. Global Notes due 25 May 2023 (the "Notes") by the
Asian Development Bank ("ADB") under its Global Medium-Term Note Program and to provide
information supplemental to the Prospectus referred to below.
This Pricing Supplement supplements the terms and conditions of the Notes set
forth in the Prospectus dated 28 April 2011 (as amended and supplemented and together with the
documents incorporated by reference therein, the "Prospectus") and should be read in
conjunction with the Prospectus. Unless otherwise defined in this Pricing Supplement,
capitalized terms used herein have the meanings given to them in the Prospectus.
The issue of the Notes was authorized pursuant to a global borrowing
authorization of the Board of Directors of ADB dated 13 December 2017.
This Pricing Supplement does not constitute, and may not be used for the
purposes of, an offer or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or
solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or
solicitation, and no action is being taken to permit an offering of the Notes or the distribution of
this Pricing Supplement in any jurisdiction where such action is required.
The Notes are not required to be and have not been registered under the U.S.
Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The Notes have not been approved or disapproved by
the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or any state securities commission nor has
the Commission or any state securities commission passed upon the accuracy or adequacy
of this Pricing Supplement. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense in the
United States.
The distribution of this Pricing Supplement or the Prospectus and the offer and
sale of the Notes may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions. Persons into whose possession
this Pricing Supplement or the Prospectus comes are required by ADB and the Managers to
inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. For a description of certain
restrictions on offers and sales of Notes and on the distribution of this Pricing Supplement or the
Prospectus, see "Plan of Distribution" in the Prospectus.
The Notes are not the obligation of any government.

The following items are the particular terms and conditions of the Notes to which
this Pricing Supplement relates. In case of any conflict between such terms and conditions and
the terms and conditions set forth in the Prospectus, the terms and conditions set forth in this
Pricing Supplement, including Annex A hereof, shall govern.
General Provisions
Asian Development Bank ("ADB").
Series Number:
Specified Currency
Euro ("EUR").
(Condition 1(c)):

Specified Principal Payment
Not applicable.
Currency if different from
Specified Currency (Condition

Specified Interest Payment
Not applicable.
Currency if different from
Specified Currency (Condition

Alternative Currency
Not applicable.
(Condition 7(i)) (if applicable):
Aggregate Nominal Amount:
Issue Price:
99.866 per cent. of the Aggregate Nominal
Net proceeds:
Specified Denominations (Condition
Issue Date (Condition 5(d)):
25 May 2018.
Interest Commencement Date
Not applicable.
(if different from the Issue
Date) (Condition 5(d)):
Maturity Date or Redemption Month
25 May 2023, subject to paragraph 31
(Condition 6(a)):

Interest Basis (Condition 5):
Fixed Rate (Condition 5(a)) (further
particulars specified in paragraph 16
10. Redemption/Payment Basis
Redemption at par.
(Condition 6(a)):
11. Change of Interest or
Not applicable.
Redemption/Payment Basis:
12. Put/Call Options (Conditions 6(e) and
Not applicable.
13. Status of the Notes (Condition 3):
14. Listing:
Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
15. Method of distribution:
Provisions Relating to Interest Payable
16. Fixed Rate Note Provisions
(Condition 5(a)):
Rate(s) of Interest:
0.20 per cent. per annum, payable
annually in arrear.
Interest Payment Date(s):
25 May of each year, commencing on 25
May 2019 up to and including the
Maturity Date, subject to paragraph 31
(iii) Fixed Coupon Amount(s):
EUR2.00 per Specified Denomination
payable on each Interest Payment Date.
Broken Amount(s):
Not applicable.
Relevant Financial Center:
As set out and defined in the Conditions.
Additional Business Center(s)
(Condition 5(d)):
(vii) Day Count Fraction (Condition
Actual/Actual (ICMA).
(viii) Determination Date(s):
Not applicable.

Other terms relating to the
No Calculation Period shall be adjusted in
method of calculating interest
the event that the first day or last day of
for Fixed Rate Notes:
such period falls on a day that is not a
Business Day.
The last paragraph of Condition 5(a) shall
be replaced in its entirety by the
"Interest will cease to accrue on each
Fixed Rate Note on the Maturity Date
unless, upon due presentation thereof,
payment of principal is improperly
withheld or refused, in which event
interest will continue to accrue at the
specified Rate of Interest up to but
excluding the earlier of (i) the date on
which actual payment of principal is
made, or (ii) the 15th calendar day
following the receipt of such payment of
principal by the Paying Agent."

17. Floating Rate Note Provisions
Not applicable.
(Condition 5(b)):
18. Zero Coupon/Deep Discount Note
Not applicable.
Provisions (Conditions 5(c) and 6(c)):
19. Index-Linked Interest Note Provisions: Not applicable.
20. Dual Currency Note Provisions:
Not applicable.
Provisions Relating to Redemption
21. Call Option (Condition 6(e)):
Not applicable.
22. Put Option (Condition 6(f)):
Not applicable.
23. Final Redemption Amount:
Aggregate Nominal Amount.
Alternative Payment
Not applicable.
Mechanism (Conditions 7(a)
and (c)):
Long Maturity Note (Condition
Not applicable.

(iii) Variable Redemption Amount
Not applicable.
(Condition 6(d)):
24. Early Redemption Amount:

Early Redemption Amount(s)
As set out in the Conditions.
payable on an Event of Default
(Condition 9) and/or the method
of calculating the same (if
required or if different from that
set out in the Conditions):
Unmatured Coupons to become Not applicable.
void (Condition 7(f)):
Additional General Provisions Applicable to the Notes
25. Form of Notes:
Registered Notes.
Global Registered Note registered in the
name of a nominee of the common
Clearstream, Luxembourg available on the
individual Definitive Registered Notes.
New Global Note/New Safekeeping
Yes, New Safekeeping Structure applies
(see Annex A).
Definitive Registered Notes:
Not applicable.
26. Talons for future Coupons to be
Not applicable.
attached to definitive Bearer Notes
(and dates on which such Talons
27. Details relating to Partly Paid Notes:
Not applicable.
amount of each payment comprising
the Issue Price and date on which each
payment is to be made and
consequences (if any) of failure to pay,
including any right of ADB to forfeit
the Notes and interest due on late
28. Details relating to Installment Notes:
Not applicable.

29. Redenomination, renominalization and Not applicable.
reconventioning provisions:
30. Consolidation provisions:
Not applicable.
31. Other terms or special conditions:

Payment Dates:
If any date for payment of any principal or
interest in respect of the Notes is not a

Business Day, ADB shall not be obliged
to pay such principal or interest until the

first following day that is a Business Day

and shall not be obliged to pay any
interest or other payment in respect of

such postponed payment.

"Business Day" shall mean a day (other
than a Saturday or a Sunday) on which

commercial banks and foreign exchange

markets settle payments and are open for
general business (including dealings in

foreign exchange and foreign currency
deposits) in London and a day which is a

TARGET Business Day.
(ii) Record Date (Condition 7(c)(i)): Condition 7(c)(i) is hereby replaced by the
following provision:
"Payments of principal (including
Installment Amounts), premium (if any)
and interest (including interest on
Installment Amounts) in respect of
Registered Notes held under the New
Safekeeping Structure shall be made to the
person shown on the Register at the close
of business at the office of the Registrar
on the business day on which each of
Clearstream and Euroclear is open for
business immediately before the due date
for payment thereof (the "Record Date")
and, in the case of payment of principal,
against presentation and surrender of the
relevant Certificates at the specified office
of any of the Transfer Agents or of the
Registrar and in the manner provided in
subparagraph (ii) and (iii) below."

If syndicated, names of BNP Paribas
Citigroup Global Markets Limited
Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment
Goldman Sachs International

Stabilizing Manager (if any):
Not applicable.
Commissions and
0.00 per cent.
33. If non-syndicated, name of Dealer:
Not applicable.
34. Additional selling restrictions:
The following two paragraphs shall be
deemed to be set out in the section entitled
"Plan of Distribution" in the Prospectus,
The offering of Notes may not be
advertised to any individual in Belgium
qualifying as a consumer within the
meaning of Article I.1 of the Belgian
Code of Economic Law, as amended from
time to time (a "Belgian Consumer") and
no Notes have been offered, sold or
resold, transferred or delivered nor will be
offered, sold or resold, transferred or
brochure or any similar documents in
relation to the Notes has been distributed
nor will be distributed, directly or
indirectly, to any Belgian Consumer.
amendment, supplement or replacement
thereto or any other offering material
relating to the Notes) has been prepared in
connection with the offering of the Notes

which has been approved by the French
Autorité des marchés financiers or by the
competent authority of another state that
is a contracting party to the Agreement on
the European Economic Area and notified
to the French Autorité des marchés
financiers and to the Issuer; no Notes have
been offered or sold nor will be offered or
sold, directly or indirectly, to the public in
France; the materials relating to the Notes
(including the Prospectus and this Pricing
Supplement) have not been distributed or
caused to be distributed and will not be
distributed or caused to be distributed to
the public in France; any offer, sale and
distribution of the Notes has been and
shall only be made in France to providers
of investment services relating to portfolio
management for the account of third
parties (personnes fournissant le service
portefeuille pour compte de tiers) as
defined in, and in accordance with
Articles L.411-2-II-1 and D.321-1 of the
French Code monétaire et financier,
and/or qualified investors investing for
their own account (investisseurs qualifiés
agissant pour compte propre) other than
individuals, as defined in Articles L. 411-
2-II-1 and D. 411-1 to D.411-4, of the
French Code monétaire et financier. The
direct or indirect distribution to the public
in France of any Notes may be made only
as provided by French laws and
regulations (in particular Articles L. 411-
1, L. 411-2, L. 412-1 and L. 621-8 to L.
621-8-3 of the French Code monétaire et

Operational Information

35. (i)
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
36. Common Code:
37. Any clearing system(s) other than
Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg
Euroclear, Clearstream, Luxembourg
and DTC and the relevant identification
38. Delivery:
Delivery against payment.
39. Additional Paying Agent(s) (if any):
Not applicable.
40. Governing Law:
41. Intended to be held in a manner which
would allow Eurosystem eligibility:
Note that the designation "yes" simply
means that the Notes are intended upon
issue to be deposited with one of
Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg
(the "ICSDs") as common safekeeper, and
registered in the name of a nominee of
one of the ICSDs acting as common
safekeeper, and does not necessarily mean
that the Notes will be recognized as
monetary policy and intra-day credit
operations by the Eurosystem either upon
issue or at any or all times during their
life. Such recognition will depend upon
the European Central Bank being satisfied
that Eurosystem eligibility criteria have
been met.

Listing Application
This Pricing Supplement comprises the details required to list the issue of Notes
described herein pursuant to the listing of the Global Medium-Term Note Program of ADB.