Bond Deutsche Bank AG 7.125% ( XS1071551391 ) in GBP

Issuer Deutsche Bank AG
Market price refresh price now   100 %  ▲ 
Country  Germany
ISIN code  XS1071551391 ( in GBP )
Interest rate 7.125% per year ( payment 1 time a year)
Maturity Perpetual

Prospectus brochure of the bond Deutsche Bank AG XS1071551391 en GBP 7.125%, maturity Perpetual

Minimal amount 100 000 GBP
Total amount 650 000 000 GBP
Next Coupon 30/04/2025 ( In 47 days )
Detailed description Deutsche Bank AG is a German multinational investment bank and financial services corporation headquartered in Frankfurt, offering a wide range of financial products and services to corporate and institutional clients globally.

The Bond issued by Deutsche Bank AG ( Germany ) , in GBP, with the ISIN code XS1071551391, pays a coupon of 7.125% per year.
The coupons are paid 1 time per year and the Bond maturity is Perpetual

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft
Frankfurt am Main
incorporated as a stock corporation (Aktiengesel schaft) under German law

£650,000,000 Undated Non-cumulative Fixed to Reset Rate
Additional Tier 1 Notes of 2014

This prospectus (the "Prospectus") relates to the issue of the £ 650,000,000 Undated Non-cumulative Fixed to Reset Rate Additional Tier 1 Notes in the
denomination of £100,000 each (the "Notes"), to be issued by Deutsche Bank Aktiengesel schaft, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (the "Issuer",
"Deutsche Bank" or the "Bank") on 27 May 2014 (the "Issue Date"). The issue price of the Notes is 100.016 per cent. of their nominal amount (the
"Issue Price").
The Notes wil bear interest on their nominal amount from (and including) the Issue Date to (but excluding) 30 April 2026 (the "First Call Date") at a fixed
rate of 7.125 per cent. per annum; thereafter, the applicable Rate of Interest (as defined in the terms and conditions of the Notes) wil be reset at five year
intervals on the basis of the then prevailing 5-year GBP swap rate plus the initial credit spread. Interest shal be payable annual y in arrear on 30 April of
each year, commencing 30 April 2015 (short first interest period).
Payments of interest (each an "Interest Payment") are subject to cancel ation, in whole or in part, and, if cancel ed, are non-cumulative and Interest
Payments in fol owing years wil not increase to compensate for any shortfal in Interest Payments in any previous year. The Notes do not have a maturity
date. The Notes are redeemable by Deutsche Bank at its discretion on the First Cal Date and at five year intervals thereafter or in other limited
circumstances and, in each case, subject to limitations and conditions as described in the terms and conditions of the Notes. The redemption amount and
the nominal amount of the Notes may be reduced upon the occurrence of a Trigger Event (as defined and further described in § 5(8) of the terms and
conditions of the Notes).
The Notes wil initial y be represented by a temporary global note, without interest coupons, which wil be exchangeable in whole or in part for a
permanent global note without interest coupons, not earlier than 40 days after the Issue Date, upon certification as to non-U.S. beneficial ownership.
This Prospectus comprises a prospectus for the purposes of (i) Article 5.3 of the Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
4 November 2003, as amended by Directive 2010/73/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 (the "Prospectus
Directive"), and (i ) the relevant implementing measures in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ("Luxembourg") and, in each case, for the purpose of giving
information with regard to the issue of the Notes and the Issuer. This Prospectus has been approved by the Commission de Surveil ance du Secteur
Financier of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (the "CSSF") in its capacity as competent authority under the Luxembourg Loi relative aux prospectus pour
valeurs mobilières of 10 July 2005 (the "Luxembourg Prospectus Law") which implements the Prospectus Directive into Luxembourg law. The CSSF
gives no undertaking as to the economic and financial soundness of the transaction and the quality or solvency of the Issuer.
Application has been made for the Notes to be listed on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and to be admitted to trading on the
regulated market "Bourse de Luxembourg" of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange with effect of 27 May 2014. The regulated market of the Luxembourg
Stock Exchange is a regulated market for the purposes of Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on
markets in financial instruments (the "MIFID Directive").
Investing in the Notes involves certain risks. Please review the section entitled "Risk Factors" beginning on page 7 of this Prospectus.
The Issuer expects that, upon issuance, the Notes wil be assigned a rating of BB by Standard & Poor's Credit Market Services Europe Ltd., Ba3 by
Moody's Investors Service Ltd., London, United Kingdom, and BB+ by Fitch Ratings Ltd., United Kingdom A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sel ,
or hold securities, and may be subject to revision, suspension or withdrawal at any time by the relevant rating agency.
This Prospectus wil be published in electronic form together with any supplement thereto and any documents incorporated by reference herein or therein
on the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (

Global Coordinator and Bookrunner
Deutsche Bank
Joint Lead Managers
Deutsche Bank
Lloyds Bank
Co-Lead Managers
RBC Capital Markets
The Royal Bank of Scotland
BNY Mellon Capital Markets
Commonwealth Bank
of Australia
National Australia Bank
Wells Fargo
The date of this Prospectus is 26 May 2014.

The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Prospectus and hereby declares that, having taken all
reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, the information contained in this Prospectus is, to the best of its knowledge, in
accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect its import. Neither Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft nor
Barclays Bank PLC nor Lloyds Bank plc (together with Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch, in its capacity as joint lead manager
only, jointly the "Joint Lead Managers") nor RBC Europe Limited nor The Royal Bank of Scotland plc (the "Co-Lead Managers")
nor Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited nor BNY Mellon Capital Markets EMEA Limited nor Commonwealth Bank of
Australia nor National Australia Bank Limited nor Scotiabank Europe plc nor Wells Fargo Securities International Limited (the "Co-
Managers" and, together with the Joint Lead Managers and the Co-Lead Managers, jointly the "Managers") nor Commerzbank
International S.A., Luxembourg (the "Initial Subscriber") have independently verified the information herein. Accordingly, no
representation, warranty or undertaking (express or implied) is made and no responsibility is accepted by the Managers (other than
the Issuer) or the Initial Subscriber as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained or incorporated by reference in
the Prospectus. Neither the Initial Subscriber nor any of the Managers (other than the Issuer) accepts any liability in relation to the
information contained or incorporated by reference in this Prospectus.
This Prospectus should be read and understood in conjunction with any supplement hereto and with any documents incorporated
herein by reference.
No person is authorized to provide any information or to make any representation not contained in this Prospectus, and any
information or representation not contained in this Prospectus must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Issuer, the
Managers or the Initial Subscriber. The delivery of this Prospectus at any time does not imply that the information contained herein is
correct as of any time subsequent to its date.
Neither this Prospectus nor any other information supplied in connection with the Notes constitutes an offer or invitation by or on
behalf of the Issuer, the Initial Subscriber, the Managers or any of them to any person to subscribe for or to purchase any Notes. No
action has been or wil be taken in any country or jurisdiction by the Issuer, the Initial Subscriber or the Managers that would permit a
public offering of the Notes, or possession or distribution of any offering material in relation thereto, in any country or jurisdiction
where action for that purpose is required. Persons who have access to this Prospectus are required by the Issuer, the Initial
Subscriber and the Managers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in each country or jurisdictions in or from which they
purchase, offer, sell or deliver the Notes or have in their possession or distribution such offering material, in al cases at their own
This Prospectus does not constitute an offer of, or an invitation or solicitation by or on behalf of the Issuer, the Initial Subscriber or
the Managers or any affiliate of any of them to subscribe for or purchase, any Notes in any jurisdiction by any person to whom it is
unlawful to make such an offer, invitation or solicitation in such jurisdiction. Applicable law in certain jurisdictions may restrict the
distribution of this Prospectus and the offering or sale of the Notes. The Issuer, the Initial Subscriber and the Managers require al
recipients of this Prospectus to inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. For a description of certain restrictions
on offers and sales of Notes and distribution of this Prospectus, see "Selling Restrictions" below.
Neither the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission nor any other regulatory body in the United States has approved or
disapproved of these securities or determined whether this Prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation to the contrary is a
criminal offense.
References to "EUR", "Euro" and "" are to the euro, the currency introduced at the start of the third stage of the European
Economic and Monetary Union pursuant to the treaty establishing the European Community, as amended by the treaty on the
European Union, as amended. References to "GBP", "GB£" and "£" are to the British pound sterling, the official currency in the
United Kingdom. The terms "United States" and "U.S." mean the United States of America, its states, its territories, its possessions
and al areas subject to its jurisdiction.
In this Prospectus, al references to "bil ion" are references to one thousand mil ion. Due to rounding, the numbers presented
throughout this Prospectus may not add up precisely, and percentages may not precisely reflect absolute figures.


RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PROSPECTUS .............................................................................................................. 2
NOTICE....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
OVERVIEW OF THE NOTES....................................................................................................................................... 4
RISK FACTORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS RELATING TO THE BANK ............................................................................ 14
USE OF PROCEEDS................................................................................................................................................. 15
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE NOTES ............................................................................................................ 16
INTEREST PAYMENTS AND AVAILABLE DISTRIBUTABLE ITEMS OF THE BANK................................................. 36
GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER ............................................................................................................ 38
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 39
REGULATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 40
TAXATION................................................................................................................................................................. 41
SUBSCRIPTION AND SALE OF THE NOTES ........................................................................................................... 46
GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................ 48
DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE................................................................................................... 50


The fol owing overview contains basic information about the Notes and does not purport to be complete. It does not contain al the
information that is important to making a decision to invest in the Notes. For a more complete description of the Notes, please refer
to the section "Terms and Conditions of the Notes" of this Prospectus. For more information on the Issuer, its business and its
financial condition and results of operations, please refer to the section "General Information on the Issuer" of this Prospectus.
Terms used in this overview and not otherwise defined have the meanings given to them in the Terms and Conditions of the Notes.

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main.
£650,000,000 Undated Non-cumulative Fixed to Reset Rate Additional Tier 1 Notes of 2014.
Risk Factors
There are certain factors that may affect the Issuer's ability to fulfil its obligations under the
Notes. In addition, there are certain factors that are material for the purpose of assessing the
risks associated with an investment in the Notes. These risks are set out under the section "Risk
Factors" of this Prospectus.
Initial Subscriber
Commerzbank International S.A., Luxembourg.
Global Coordinator and
Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch.
Joint-Lead Managers
Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch; Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft; Barclays Bank PLC;
Lloyds Bank plc.
Co-Lead Managers
RBC Europe Limited; The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited; BNY Mel on Capital Markets EMEA Limited;
Commonwealth Bank of Australia; National Australia Bank Limited; Scotiabank Europe plc;
Wel s Fargo Securities International Limited.
Paying Agent
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main.
Principal Amount
Issue Price
100.016 per cent.
Issue Date of the Notes
27 May 2014.
First Call Date
30 April 2026.
The Notes have no scheduled maturity and only provide for a termination right of the Issuer (cf.
Termination Right of the Issuer" below) but not for a termination right of the Holders.
Specified Denomination
£ 100,000.
Use of Proceeds
The net proceeds from the issue of the Notes wil be used to strengthen Deutsche Bank's
regulatory capital base by providing Tier 1 capital for the Issuer.
Status of the Notes
The Notes constitute unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer, ranking pari passu
among themselves and (subject to the subordination provision set out in the fol owing sentence)
pari passu with all other subordinated obligations of the Issuer. In the event of the dissolution,
liquidation, insolvency, composition or other proceedings for the avoidance of insolvency of, or
against, the Issuer, the obligations under the Notes shall be fully subordinated to
the claims of other unsubordinated creditors of the Issuer,
(i )
the claims under Tier 2 instruments, and
(i i)
the claims specified in § 39 (1) nos. 1 to 5 of the German Insolvency Statute


so that in any such event no amounts shal be payable in respect of the Notes until (i) the claims
of such other unsubordinated creditors of the Issuer, (i ) the claims under such Tier 2
instruments, and (i i) the claims specified in § 39 (1) nos. 1 to 5 of the German Insolvency
Statute have been satisfied in ful .
Interest Payments
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Notes, the Issuer will (subject to the provisions set
out below, cf. "­ Discretionary Cancel ation of Interest" and "­ Compulsory Cancel ation of
Interest") from (and including) the Issue Date owe Interest Payments at the applicable Rate of
Interest, calculated annual y on the basis of the nominal amount of the Notes from time to time
(which may be lower than the initial nominal amount of the Notes (cf. "­ Write-down of the
Redemption Amount and the Nominal Amount of the Notes" below)) and payable annual y in
arrear on 30 April of each year, commencing on 30 April 2015 (short first interest period), subject
to having accrued and being payable under the terms and conditions of the Notes.
The Rate of Interest will reset on the First Cal Date and at five year intervals thereafter. See § 3
of the terms and conditions of the Notes.
The applicable Rate of Interest for the period from the Issue Date (inclusive) to the First Cal
Date (exclusive) will be a fixed rate of 7.125 per cent. per annum; thereafter, the applicable Rate
of Interest (as defined in the terms and conditions of the Notes) wil be reset at five year intervals
on each Reset Date (as defined in the terms and conditions of the Notes) on the basis of the
then prevailing 5-year GBP swap rate plus the initial credit spread of 4.257 per cent per annum.
Discretionary Cancellation
Interest Payments will not accrue if the Issuer has elected, at its sole discretion, to cancel
of Interest
payment of interest (non-cumulative ­ as set out below, cf. "­ Interest Payments are non-
cumulative"), in whole or in part, on any Interest Payment Date.
See § 3 (8) of the terms and conditions of the Notes.
Compulsory Cancellation of
In addition, Interest Payments will not accrue, in whole or in part, on any Interest Payment Date:
to the extent that such payment of interest together with any additional Distributions
(as defined below) that are simultaneously planned or made or that have been made
by the Issuer on the other Tier 1 Instruments (as defined below) in the then current
financial year of the Issuer would exceed the Available Distributable Items (as defined
in § 3(9) of the terms and conditions of the Notes), provided that, for such purpose, the
Available Distributable Items shal be increased by an amount equal to what has been
accounted for as expenses for Distributions in respect of Tier 1 Instruments (including
payments of interest on the Notes) in the determination of the profit on which the
Available Distributable Items are based; or
if and to the extent that the competent supervisory authority orders that al or part of
the relevant payment of interest be cancelled or another prohibition of Distributions is
imposed by law or an authority.
See § 3 (8) of the terms and conditions of the Notes.
Interest Payments are non-
Interest Payments are non-cumulative. Consequently, Interest Payments in fol owing years will
not be increased to compensate for any shortfall in Interest Payments during a previous year
and such shortfal shal not constitute an event of default under the terms and conditions of the
Termination Right of the
The Notes may be redeemed, in whole but not in part, subject to prior approval by the competent
supervisory authority:
at any time for regulatory reasons, if the Issuer in its own judgment (i) is no longer able
to recognise the Notes in full as Additional Tier 1 capital for purposes of complying with its own
funds requirements or (ii) in any other way be subject to a less favorable treatment as own funds
than was the case at the Issue Date;
at any time for tax reasons, if the tax treatment of the Notes, due to a change in
applicable legislation, including a change in any fiscal or regulatory legislation, rules or practices,
which takes effect after the Issue Date, changes (including but not limited to the tax deductibility
of interest payable under the Notes or the obligation to pay Additional Amounts) and such
change, in the judgment the Issuer, has a material adverse effect on the Issuer;
at the option of the Issuer on the First Cal Date and subsequently at 5 year intervals,


subject to any previous Write-down having been fully written-up.
If the Issuer elects, in its sole discretion and subject to prior approval by the competent
supervisory authority, to redeem the Notes, the Notes wil be repaid as a consequence thereof.
In such case, the redemption amount per Note may be less than its initial nominal amount due to
a previous Write-down which has not been fully written-up (cf. "­ Write-down of the Redemption
Amount and the Nominal Amount of the Notes").
Write-down of the
Upon the occurrence of a Trigger Event, the redemption amount and the nominal amount of the
Redemption Amount and the Notes shall be automatical y reduced by the amount of the relevant Write-down. If and as long
Nominal Amount of the
as the nominal amount of the Notes is below their initial nominal amount, any repayment upon
redemption of the Notes wil be at the reduced nominal amount of the Notes and, with effect from
the beginning of the interest period in which such Write-down occurs, any Interest Payment wil
be calculated on the basis of the reduced nominal amount of the Notes.
A Trigger Event will have occurred if the Issuer's Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio fal s below
the Minimum CET1 Ratio of 5.125%.
Upon the occurrence of a Trigger Event, a Write-down shall be effected pro rata with al other
Additional Tier 1 instruments within the meaning of the CRR (Additional Tier 1 capital), the terms
of which provide for a write-down (whether permanent or temporary) upon the occurrence of a
Trigger Event. For such purpose, the total amount of the write-downs to be al ocated pro rata
shal be equal to the amount required to restore ful y the Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio of
the Issuer to the Minimum CET1 Ratio.
The sum of the write-downs to be effected with respect to the Notes shall be limited to the
outstanding aggregate nominal amount of the Notes at the time of occurrence of the relevant
Trigger Event.
Fol owing a Write-down of the redemption amount and the nominal amount of the Notes in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Notes described above, the Issuer will be
entitled (but not obliged) to effect, in its sole discretion an increase of the redemption amount
and the nominal amount of the Notes up to their initial nominal amount, subject, however, to
certain limitations set out in the terms and conditions of the Notes.
Payment of Additional
If the Issuer is required to withhold or deduct at source amounts payable under the Notes on
account of taxes in Germany, the Issuer wil , subject to customary exemptions, pay Additional
Amounts on the Notes to compensate for such deduction. See § 7 of the terms and conditions of
the Notes.
No set-off
No Holder may set off his claims arising under the Notes against any claims of the Issuer.
Form of the Notes
The Notes are bearer notes (Inhaberschuldverschreibungen) represented by one or more global
notes without coupons or receipts.
Listing and Admission to
Application has been made to list the Notes on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock
Exchange and to trade them on the regulated market "Bourse de Luxembourg" of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
Listing Agent
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A., Luxembourg.
Governing Law
The Notes are governed by German law.
Credit Ratings of the Notes
The Notes, upon issuance, are expected to be assigned a rating of BB by S&P, Ba3 by Moody's,
and BB+ by Fitch. A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities, and may be
subject to revision, suspension or withdrawal at any time by the relevant rating agency.
Selling Restrictions
There are restrictions on the offer, sale and transfer of the Notes. See the section "Subscription
and Sale of the Notes" below. For a description on additional restrictions on offers, sales and
deliveries of the Notes and on the distribution of offering material in the United States and the
United Kingdom see the section "Subscription and Sale of the Notes" below.


An investment in the Notes involves risks. The fol owing is designed to show aspects of the Notes and the business of Deutsche
Bank of which prospective investors should be aware. Investors should careful y consider the fol owing discussion of the risks and
the other information about the Notes contained in this Prospectus before deciding whether an investment in the Notes is suitable.
An investment in the Notes is only suitable for investors experienced in financial matters who are in a position to ful y assess the
risks relating to such an investment and who have sufficient financial means to absorb any potential loss stemming therefrom.
Risks relating to Deutsche Bank
Prospective investors should consider the section entitled "Risk Factors" provided in the Registration Document dated 27 May 2013
of the Issuer, as amended by the supplements thereto, as set out in the section "Documents Incorporated by Reference" on page 50
of this Prospectus.
Risks associated with an Investment in the Notes
The purchase of the Notes involves significant risks arising as a result of specific characteristics of the Notes.
The Notes may not be a suitable investment for all investors.
Potential investors must determine the suitability (either alone or with the help of a financial adviser) of an investment in the Notes in
light of their own circumstances. In particular, each potential investor should:
have sufficient knowledge and experience to make a meaningful evaluation of the Notes, the merits and risks of investing in
the Notes and the information contained or incorporated by reference in this Prospectus or any applicable supplement to
this Prospectus;
have access to, and knowledge of, appropriate analytical tools to evaluate, in the context of his/her particular financial
situation, an investment in the Notes and the impact such investment wil have on his/her overall investment portfolio;
have sufficient financial resources and liquidity to bear al of the risks of an investment in the Notes, including the risk not to
receive any return on investment or repayment of the invested amount, and also including risks arising if the currency for
principal or interest payments on the Notes, i.e. GBP, is different from the currency in which his/her financial activities are
principal y denominated;
understand thoroughly the terms of the Notes and be familiar with the behaviour of the financial markets; and
be able to evaluate possible scenarios for economic, interest rate and other factors that may affect his/her investment and
his/her ability to bear the applicable risks.
Prior to making an investment decision, potential investors should consider carefully, in light of their own financial circumstances and
investment objectives, all the information contained in this Prospectus or incorporated by reference herein.
Interest Payments are entirely discretionary and subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions. If the Issuer
elects not to make an Interest Payment, such deferral will be non-cumulative, i.e. the Issuer will be under no
obligation to make up for such non-payment at any later point of time. There will be no circumstances under
which an Interest Payment will be compulsory for the Issuer.
The Notes accrue Interest Payments in accordance with their terms. However, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Notes, no
Interest Payments will accrue or be payable by the Issuer on any interest payment date if (but only to the extent that):
the Issuer, in its sole discretion, elects to cancel all or part of any payment of interest which would otherwise fal due for
payment on such interest payment date; or
(i )
such payment of interest together with any additional Distributions (as defined below, cf. "Risk Factors ­ Interest Payments
depend, among other things, on Deutsche Bank's Available Distributable Items.") that are simultaneously planned or made
or that have been made by the Issuer on the other Tier 1 Instruments (as defined below, cf. "Risk Factors ­ Interest
Payments depend, among other things, on Deutsche Bank's Available Distributable Items.") in the then current financial
year of the Issuer would exceed the Available Distributable Items (as defined below, cf. "Risk Factors ­ Interest Payments
depend, among other things, on Deutsche Bank's Available Distributable Items."), provided that, for such purpose, the
Available Distributable Items shal be increased by an amount equal to what has been accounted for as expenses for
Distributions in respect of Tier 1 Instruments (including payments of interest on the Notes) in the determination of the profit
on which the Available Distributable Items are based (cf. "Risk Factors ­ Risks associated with an Investment in the Notes
­ Interest Payments depend, among other things, on Deutsche Bank's Available Distributable Items" below); or
(i i)
the competent supervisory authority orders that al or part of the relevant payment of interest be cancelled or another
prohibition of Distributions is imposed by law or an authority (cf. "Risk Factors ­ Risks associated with an Investment in the
Notes ­Interest Payments may be excluded and cancel ed for regulatory reasons" below).


The Issuer may make the election to cancel the payment of any Interest Payment (in whole or in part) on any interest payment date
for any reason. In addition, the Issuer wil be legally prevented to pay interest (in whole or in part) if and to the extent any of the
conditions set out under (ii) to (i i) above is fulfil ed. No such election to cancel the payment of any Interest Payment (or part thereof)
or non-payment of any Interest Payment (or part thereof) wil entitle the Holders or any other person to demand such payment or to
take any action to cause the liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the Issuer.
If due to any of the conditions set out above Interest Payments do not accrue and are not payable on any interest payment date,
such Interest Payment will not be paid at any later point of time (non-cumulative). Accordingly, Interest Payments on fol owing
interest payment dates will not be increased to compensate for any shortfal in Interest Payments on any previous interest payment
Furthermore, if the Issuer exercises its discretion not to pay interest on the Notes on any interest payment date, this wil not give rise
to any restriction on the Issuer making distributions or any other payments to the holders of any instruments ranking pari passu with,
or junior to, the Notes.
Investors should be aware that there wil be no circumstances under which an Interest Payment wil be compulsory for the Issuer.
Certain market expectations may exist among investors in the Notes with regard to Deutsche Bank making Interest Payments.
Should the Issuer's actions diverge from such expectations or should the Issuer be prevented from meeting such expectations for
regulatory reasons, any such event which could result in an Interest Payment not being made or not being made in ful may
adversely affect the market value of the Notes and reduce the liquidity of the Notes.
Interest Payments depend, among other things, on the Issuer's Available Distributable Items.
The amounts payable as Interest Payments under the Notes depend, among others, on the future Available Distributable Items of
the Issuer. Interest Payments wil not accrue if (but only to the extent that) such payment, together with any Distributions that are
simultaneously planned or made or that have been made on Tier 1 Instruments in the then current financial year, would exceed
Available Distributable Items, provided, however, that for purposes of this determination the Available Distributable Items shal be
increased by an amount equal to the aggregate interest expense accounted for in respect of Distributions on Tier 1 Instruments
(including the Notes) when determining the profit which forms the basis of the Available Distributable Items (cf. "Risk Factors ­ Risks
associated with an Investment in the Notes ­Interest Payments under the Notes are discretionary and subject to the fulfilment of
certain conditions. If the Issuer elects not to make an Interest Payment, such deferral wil be non-cumulative, i.e. the Issuer wil be
under no obligation to make up for such non-payment at any later point of time. There wil be no circumstances under which an
Interest Payment wil be compulsory for the Issuer." above). In such event, Holders would receive no, or reduced, Interest Payments
on the relevant interest payment date. With the annual profit and any distributable reserves of Deutsche Bank forming an essential
part of the Available Distributable Items, investors should also careful y review cf. "Risk Factors ­ Risks relating to Deutsche Bank"
since any change in the financial prospects of the Issuer or its inherent profitability, in particular a reduction in the amount of profit
and/or distributable reserves on an unconsolidated basis, may have an adverse effect on the Issuer's ability to make a payment in
respect of the Notes.
"Available Distributable Items" means, with respect to any payment of interest, the profit (Gewinn) as of the end of the financial
year of the Issuer immediately preceding the relevant interest payment date for which audited financial statements are available,
plus (i) any profits carried forward and any distributable reserves (ausschüttungsfähige Rücklagen), minus (ii) any losses carried
forward and any profits which are non-distributable pursuant to applicable law or the articles of association of the Issuer and any
amounts al ocated to the non-distributable reserves, provided that such profits, losses and reserves shall be determined on the basis
of the unconsolidated financial statements of the Issuer prepared in accordance with German commercial law and not on the basis
of its consolidated financial statements.
"CRR" means Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential
requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (including any provisions of
regulatory law supplementing this Regulation); to the extent that any provisions of the CRR are amended or replaced, the term
"CRR" shal refer to such amended provisions or successor provisions.
"Distributions" means any kind of payment of dividends or interest.
"Tier 1 Instruments" means capital instruments which, according to CRR, qualify as common equity Tier 1 capital or Additional
Tier 1 capital.
The Issuer's management has broad discretion within the applicable accounting principles to influence the amounts relevant for
determining the Available Distributable Items and the amount of the Distributions wil also be in the Issuer's discretion. Accordingly,
the Issuer is legal y capable of influencing its ability to make Interest Payments to the detriment of the Holders.
Interest Payments may be excluded and cancelled for regulatory reasons.
Interest Payments wil also be excluded if (and to the extent) the competent supervisory authority (i.e. the German Federal Financial
Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht ­ BaFin) or any successor as regulator of the Issuer or any
other competent supervisory authority of the Issuer) (the "Competent Authority") instructs the Issuer to cancel an Interest Payment
or such Interest Payment is prohibited by law or administrative order on any interest payment date (cf. "Risk Factors ­ Risks


associated with an Investment in the Notes ­Interest Payments under the Notes are discretionary and subject to the fulfilment of
certain conditions. If the Issuer elects not to make an Interest Payment, such deferral wil be non-cumulative, i.e. the Issuer wil be
under no obligation to make up for such non-payment at any later point of time. There wil be no circumstances under which an
Interest Payment wil be compulsory for the Issuer." above).
The CRR prohibits the Issuer from making an Interest Payment if (but only to the extent that) the relevant Interest Payment (plus any
Additional Amounts) would exceed the Issuer's Available Distributable Items as determined in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Notes or if such payment does not meet any of the other conditions set out in Art. 52 (1) lit. (l) CRR. However, it
cannot be excluded that the European Union and/or the Federal Republic of Germany and/or any other competent authority enacts
further legislation affecting the Issuer and thereby also adversely affecting the right of the Holders to receive Interest Payments on
any interest payment date.
The right of the BaFin as Competent Authority to issue an order to the Issuer to cancel al or part of the Interest Payments is
stipulated in section 45 para 2 and para 3 of the German Banking Act (as amended by the German law implementing CRD IV)
(Kreditwesengesetz ­ "KWG"). Under the relevant provisions, regulatory action can be taken in cases of inadequate own funds or
inadequate liquidity. Cases of inadequate liquidity include a breach by the Issuer of the requirements under section 11 KWG or other
liquidity requirements. Cases of inadequacy of own funds within the meaning of section 45 para 2 and para 3 KWG exist if an
institution or the relevant group do not meet the minimum own funds requirements stipulated by CRR or, if applicable, the additional
capital requirements established under section 10 para 3 or para 4 KWG or section 45b para 1 sent. 2 KWG. More specifically, CRR
requires a minimum amount of total regulatory capital of 8% of the risk weighted assets of the institution respectively the relevant
group and also imposes minimum requirements for Tier 1 capital and Common Equity Tier 1 capital (all within the meaning of the
CRR), which are subject to a phased-in implementation. Section 45 para 3 and para 4 KWG and section 45b para 1 sent. 2 KWG
allow BaFin to establish a higher minimum requirement of regulatory capital under certain circumstances.
CRD IV also introduced capital buffer requirements that are in addition to the minimum capital requirement (and the additional
requirements under section 10 para 3 or para 4 KWG or section 45b para 1 sent. 2 KWG, if applicable) and are required to be met
with common equity tier 1 capital. The respective CRD IV requirements have been implemented into German law through sections
10c et seq. KWG which introduced five new capital buffers: (i) the capital conservation buffer (as implemented in Germany by
section 10c KWG), (i ) the institution-specific counter-cyclical buffer (as implemented in Germany by section 10d KWG), (ii ) the
global systemical y important institutions buffer or, depending on the institution, the other systemical y important institutions buffer
(as implemented in Germany by sections 10f and 10g KWG) and (iv) the systemic risk buffer (as implemented in Germany by
section 10e KWG). While the capital conservation buffer wil , after a phase-in period, be in any case applicable to the Issuer, one or
all of the other buffers may additional y be established and be applicable to the Issuer (whereby the global systemical y important
institutions buffer and the other systemically important institutions buffer may only be applied alternatively not cumulatively). All
applicable buffers will be aggregated in a combined buffer (as implemented by section 10i KWG), applying a calculation specified in
section 10i KWG. If the Issuer does not meet such combined buffer requirement, the Issuer wil be restricted from making Interest
Payments on the Notes in certain circumstances (set out in section 10i KWG, to be read in conjunction with section 37 of the
German Solvency Regulation (Solvabilitätsverordnung ­ "SolvV")) until BaFin has approved a capital conservation plan in which the
Issuer needs to explain how it can be ensured that the Interest Payments and certain other discretionary payments, including
distributions on Common Equity Tier 1 instruments and variable compensation payments, do not exceed the maximum distributable
amount. The maximum distributable amount is calculated as a percentage of the profits of the institution since the last distribution of
profits as further defined in section 37 para 2 SolvV. The applicable percentage is scaled according to the extent of the breach of the
combined buffer requirement. As an example, if the scaling is in the bottom quartile of the combined buffer requirement, no
discretionary distributions wil be permitted to be paid. As a consequence, in the event of breach of the combined buffer requirement
it may be necessary to reduce discretionary payments, including potential y exercising the Issuer's discretion to cancel (in whole or
in part) Interest Payments in respect of the Notes. Again, it cannot be excluded that the European Union and/or the Federal Republic
of Germany and/or any other competent authority enacts further legislation affecting the Issuer and thereby also adversely affecting
the right of the Holders to receive Interest Payments on any interest payment date.
Accordingly, even if the Issuer was intrinsically profitable and wil ing to make Interest Payments, it could be prevented from doing so
by regulatory provisions and/or regulatory action. In al such instances, Holders would receive no, or reduced, Interest Payments on
the relevant interest payment date.
Please also see "Risk Factors ­ Risks associated with an Investment in the Notes ­ The Notes may be written down or converted on
the occurrence of a non-viability event or if the Issuer becomes subject to resolution".
"CRD IV" means Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on access to the activity of
credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, amending Directive 2002/87/EC and
repealing Directives 2006/48/EC and 2006/49/EC.
The redemption amount and the nominal amount of the Notes will be reduced under the terms and conditions
of the Notes upon the occurrence of a Trigger Event which may result in lower Interest Payments as well as
lower capital payments upon repayment of the Notes. Any indication that the Common Equity Tier 1 Capital
Ratio of the Issuer is moving towards the level of a Trigger Event may have an adverse effect on the market
price of the Notes.
If the nominal amount of the Notes has been subject to a Write-down due to the Issuer's Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio pursuant
to Art. 92 (2) lit. (a) CRR, determined on a consolidated basis (the "Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio"), being less than 5.125%


and with effect from the beginning of the interest period in which such Write-down occurs, Interest Payments wil be calculated on
the basis of the reduced nominal amount of the Notes and thus not accrue in ful . In such event, Holders would receive no, or
reduced, Interest Payments on the relevant interest payment date.
Such Write-down could also negatively affect the size of the redemption amount payable on the Notes as the terms and conditions of
the Notes stipulate that the Issuer will be entitled to terminate the Notes for certain tax or regulatory reasons even if the redemption
amount payable on the Notes has been and continues to be reduced due to such Write-down. The amount to be repaid under the
Notes, if any, may thus be substantial y lower than the initial nominal amount of the Notes, and may also be reduced to zero which
would result in a ful loss of al money invested in the Notes.
Therefore, as any event which could result in a Write-down of the redemption amount and the nominal amount of the Notes may
adversely affect the market value of the Notes and reduce the liquidity of the Notes, the market price of the Notes is expected to be
affected by changes in the Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio of the Issuer. Such changes may be caused by changes in the
amount of common equity tier 1 capital and/or risk weighted assets (each of which shal be calculated by the Issuer on a fully loaded
and consolidated basis), as well as changes to their respective definition and interpretation under the applicable capital regulations.
Any indication that the Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio of the Issuer is moving towards the level of a Trigger Event may have an
adverse effect on the market price of the Notes. A decline or perceived decline in the Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio may
significantly affect the trading price of the Notes.
Fol owing a Write-down of the redemption amount and the nominal amount in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Notes
described above, the Issuer will, subject to certain limitations set out in the terms and conditions of the Notes, be entitled (but not
obliged) to effect, in its sole discretion an increase of the redemption amount and the nominal amount of the Notes up to their initial
nominal amount (a "Write-up"). However, there can be no assurance that the Issuer wil at any time have the ability and be willing to
effect such Write-up.
The Notes have no scheduled maturity.
The Notes have no scheduled maturity and wil run for an indefinite period. The Holders have no ability to require the Issuer to
redeem their Notes. Under their terms, the Notes may only be terminated by the Issuer and the terms and conditions of the Notes do
not provide for any events of default. In particular, neither non-viability nor a Regulatory Bail-in in connection therewith (cf. "Risk
Factors ­ Risks associated with an Investment in the Notes ­ The Notes may be written down or converted on the occurrence of a
non-viability event or if the Issuer becomes subject to resolution") wil constitute an event of default with respect to the Notes.
The Notes have no scheduled maturity. Their terms only provide for termination by the Issuer and not by the Holders. Except for
certain tax or regulatory reasons, as stipulated in this Prospectus, the terms and conditions of the Notes provide that an ordinary
termination may not become effective earlier than the First Call Date and subsequently at five year intervals. In addition, the terms
and conditions of the Notes stipulate that no termination shall become effective without prior regulatory approval. Moreover, any
termination by the Issuer of the Notes will be at the Issuer's full discretion.
Certain market expectations may exist among investors in the Notes with regard to Deutsche Bank making use of a right to call the
Notes for redemption. Should the Issuer's actions diverge from such expectations or should the Issuer be prevented from meeting
such expectations for regulatory reasons, the market value of the Notes could be adversely affected and the liquidity of the Notes
could be reduced.
Therefore, Holders should be aware that they may be required to bear the financial risks of an investment in the Notes for an
indefinite period of time.
The Notes can be redeemed by the Issuer at any time in its sole discretion under certain regulatory or tax
reasons. In such case, the redemption amount may be substantially lower than the initial nominal amount of
the Notes due to a Write-down that has not been fully written up. In case of a write-down to zero, this may
result in a full loss of the nominal amount.
The Notes may be redeemed at any time, in whole but not in part, subject to prior approval by the competent supervisory authority,
and without any previous Write-down having been written up (a) for regulatory reasons, if the Issuer in its own judgment (i) is no
longer able to recognise the Notes in ful as Additional Tier 1 capital for purposes of complying with its own funds requirements or
(i ) in any other way be subject to a less favorable treatment as own funds than was the case at the Issue Date, or (b) for tax
reasons, if the tax treatment of the Notes, due to a change in applicable legislation, including a change in any fiscal or regulatory
legislation, rules or practices, which takes effect after the Issue Date, changes (including but not limited to the tax deductibility of
interest payable under the Notes or the obligation to pay Additional Amounts) and such change, in the judgment the Issuer, has a
material adverse effect on the Issuer. In addition, the Notes may also be redeemed at the option of the Issuer on the First Call Date
and subsequently at 5 year intervals, but in this case subject only to any previous Write-down having been fully written-up.
If the Issuer elects, in its sole discretion and subject to prior approval by the competent supervisory authority, to redeem the Notes,
the Notes wil be repaid as a consequence thereof. Due to any previous Write-downs that have not been fully written up, in the cases
of a redemption for regulatory or tax reasons the amount to be repaid under the Notes, if any, may be substantially lower than the
initial nominal amount of the Notes, and may also be reduced to zero which would result in a full loss of all money invested in the
Notes (cf. "Risk Factors ­ The redemption amount and the nominal amount of the Notes wil be reduced under the terms and
conditions of the Notes upon the occurrence of a Trigger Event which may result in lower Interest Payments as wel as lower capital