Bond AB Svensk Exportkredit 0% ( XS0503023003 ) in USD

Issuer AB Svensk Exportkredit
Market price refresh price now   100 %  ⇌ 
Country  Sweden
ISIN code  XS0503023003 ( in USD )
Interest rate 0%
Maturity 25/04/2040

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Minimal amount 100 000 USD
Total amount 50 000 000 USD
Detailed description AB Svensk Exportkredit (SEK) is a Swedish government-owned export credit agency that provides financing and insurance solutions to Swedish exporters and international buyers of Swedish goods and services.

AB Svensk Exportkredit issued a USD 50,000,000 0% bond (ISIN: XS0503023003) maturing on April 25, 2040, with a minimum trading size of USD 100,000 and a semi-annual coupon payment frequency, currently trading at 100%.