Bond European Investment Bank (EIB) 4.625% ( XS0196448129 ) in EUR

Issuer European Investment Bank (EIB)
Market price 100 %  ⇌ 
Country  Luxembourg
ISIN code  XS0196448129 ( in EUR )
Interest rate 4.625% per year ( payment 1 time a year)
Maturity 15/04/2020 - Bond has expired

Prospectus brochure of the bond European Investment Bank (EIB) XS0196448129 in EUR 4.625%, expired

Minimal amount 1 000 EUR
Total amount 5 000 000 000 EUR
Detailed description The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the European Union's long-term lending institution, financing projects that contribute to EU policy objectives.

The Bond issued by European Investment Bank (EIB) ( Luxembourg ) , in EUR, with the ISIN code XS0196448129, pays a coupon of 4.625% per year.
The coupons are paid 1 time per year and the Bond maturity is 15/04/2020


100, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
(352) 4379-1
European Investment Bank may offer and sell:
The European Investment Bank from time to time may offer its EARNs (as defined
above) denominated in euro.
The EARNs will be offered from time to time in amounts and at prices and on terms
to be determined at the time of sale and to be set forth in supplements to this
Prospectus. The EARNs will be unconditional, direct and general obligations of EIB
in accordance with their terms for their payment and performance.
We will provide specific terms of the EARNs in supplements to this Prospectus.
You should read this Prospectus and any supplement carefully before you invest.
This Prospectus may be used to offer and sell EARNs only if accompanied by the
Prospectus Supplement for those EARNs.
Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities
commission has approved or disapproved of the securities to be issued under this
Prospectus or determined that this Prospectus is accurate or adequate. Any
representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
The date of this Prospectus is September 18, 2002

ABOUT THIS PROSPECTUS ............................................................................................................................................. 3
WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 3
THE EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK .......................................................................................................................... 5
ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
LEGAL STATUS .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
USE OF PROCEEDS ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
SUMMARY OF THE FACILITY ........................................................................................................................................ 7
DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES ....................................................................................................................................... 9
BOOK-ENTRY SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................................. 13
CURRENCY CONVERSIONS AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISKS ............................................................................ 17
UNITED STATES TAXATION ......................................................................................................................................... 18
VALIDITY OF THE SECURITIES ................................................................................................................................... 21
EXPERTS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................... 22
AUTHORIZED AGENT IN THE UNITED STATES ........................................................................................................ 26


In recent years there have been significant changes in the relative values of the euro and other currencies. To date
such changes in relative currency values have not had an adverse effect on EIB's financial condition. EIB is unable to
predict any future effect of such currency conditions on its financial condition. For additional information regarding
exchange rates, see "Currency Conversions and Foreign Exchange Risks" and Notes to the Financial Statements in
Exhibit I to EIB's Annual Reports on Form 18-K referred to below.
References in this Prospectus to "euro" and "EUR" are to the lawful currency of the member states of the European
Union who are participants in the third stage of economic and monetary union. References in this Prospectus to "U.S.
Dollars", "U.S.$", "dollar" or "$" are to the lawful currency of the United States.
This Prospectus is part of a Registration Statement (the "Registration Statement") that we filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (the "Commission") under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act") utilizing a "shelf"
registration process.
This Prospectus provides you with a general description of the EARNs we may offer. Each time we sell EARNs, we
will provide a Prospectus Supplement that will contain specific information about the terms of that offering. The
Prospectus Supplement may also add, update or change information contained in this Prospectus. You should read
both this Prospectus and any Prospectus Supplement together with additional information described under the heading
"Where You Can Find More Information" beginning on page 3 of this Prospectus.
You should rely only on the information provided in this Prospectus and in any Prospectus Supplement including the
information incorporated by reference. We have not authorized anyone to provide you with different information. We
are not offering the securities in any state where the offer is not permitted. You should not assume that the information
in this Prospectus, any Prospectus Supplement, or any incorporated document is accurate at any date other than the
date indicated on the cover page of that document.
The Registration Statement, including the attached exhibits and schedules, contains additional relevant information
about the EARNs. The rules and regulations of the Commission allow us to omit certain information included in the
Registration Statement from this Prospectus.
In addition, we file reports and other information with the Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
You may read and copy this information at the following locations of the Commission:
Public Reference Room
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Room 1024
Washington, D.C. 20549
You may also obtain copies of this information by mail from the Public Reference Room of the Commission, 450 Fifth
Street, N.W., Room 1024, Washington, D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates. You may obtain information on the operation
of the Public Reference Room by calling the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330.
The Commission allows us to "incorporate by reference" information into this Prospectus. This means that we can
disclose important information to you by referring you to another document filed separately with the Commission. The
information incorporated by reference is considered to be a part of this Prospectus, except for any information that is
superseded by information that is included directly in this document.

This Prospectus incorporates by reference the documents listed below that EIB previously filed with the Commission.
They contain important information about us.
SEC Filings
Annual Reports on Form 18-K..........................
For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000

EIB incorporates by reference additional documents that it may file with the Commission between the date of this
Prospectus and the termination of the offering of the securities. These documents include periodic reports, such as
Annual Reports on Form 18-K and amendments on Form 18-K/A.
You can obtain any of the documents incorporated by reference in this document through us, or from the Commission.
Documents incorporated by reference are available from us without charge, excluding any exhibits to those documents
incorporated by reference in this Prospectus, by requesting them in writing or by telephone from us at the following
address and telephone number:
Capital Markets Department
European Investment Bank
100, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Telephone: (352) 4379-1
If you request any incorporated documents from us, we will mail them to you by first class mail, or another equally
prompt means, within one business day after we receive your request.

European Investment Bank ("EIB") is an autonomous public institution established by the Treaty (as defined below).
EIB's capital is subscribed by the Member States of the European Union (the "EU"). EIB grants loans and guarantees
to finance investment projects, utilizing its own capital resources and borrowings on capital markets. EIB is situated at
100, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
"Treaty" means the Treaty of Rome of March 25, 1957 establishing the European Economic Community as amended
and supplemented by the Treaty of Maastricht of February 7, 1992 establishing the European Union and the Treaty of
Amsterdam of October 2, 1997.
Under the Treaty, the purpose of EIB is to contribute to the balanced and steady development of a common market
among Member States. To that end, operating on a non-profit-making basis, EIB is required by the Treaty to grant
loans and give guarantees for projects which develop the less-developed regions of the EU and, where the projects are
of such size or nature that they cannot be entirely financed from resources available in the individual Member States,
for projects which modernize or develop undertakings or develop new activities, or which are of common interest to
several Member States. In addition, EIB grants loans and gives guarantees for projects outside the EU, generally
within the framework of agreements between the EU and non-Member States.
Constitution and Membership
EIB is separate from the EU institutions and it has its own governing bodies, sources of revenues and financial
operations and is solely responsible for its indebtedness. EIB is governed by the provisions of the Treaty, the Statute of
EIB, as amended, which is annexed as a protocol to the Treaty, and the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of
the European Communities.
The members of EIB are the fifteen Member States of the EU and the following table sets out the share of each
Member State in the subscribed capital of EIB at September 12, 2002.
United Kingdom

The Board of Directors of EIB may require payment of the balance of the subscribed capital, to such extent as may be
required by EIB to meet its obligations towards those who have made loans to it. Each Member State shall make this
payment in proportion to its share of the subscribed capital in the currencies required by EIB to meet these obligations.

EIB is directed and managed by a Board of Governors, a Board of Directors and a Management Committee.
The Board of Governors consists of government ministers, usually ministers of finance, appointed by the Member
The Board of Directors is composed of 25 Directors and 13 Alternate Directors, each appointed by the Board of
Governors on nomination by the Member States and the Commission of the European Union.
The Management Committee consists of the President and Vice-Presidents appointed for a period of six years by the
Board of Governors on a proposal from the Board of Directors.
EIB has a legal personality and possesses in each Member State the most extensive legal capacity accorded to legal
persons under the laws of each such Member State. It may acquire and transfer property and sue and be sued in its own
EIB and its assets, revenue and other property are exempt from all direct taxes of the Member States. EIB is also
exempt from any fiscal charges in respect of increases in its subscribed capital or paid-in capital and from any related
formalities in the Member State in which EIB has its seat. The activities of EIB carried out under the terms of the
Statute may not be the subject of any turnover tax in the Member States.
The Treaty provides that the Court of Justice of the European Communities (the "Court of Justice") has exclusive
jurisdiction in certain cases involving the fulfilment by Member States of their obligations under the Statute and the
lawfulness of measures adopted by the Board of Governors and EIB's Board of Directors. Subject to the foregoing
exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Justice, any litigation between EIB and its creditors or debtors, including claims
based on guarantees made by Member States, may be determined by competent national courts. The property and
assets of EIB within the Member States are not, except by judicial decision and with the authorization of the Court of
Justice, subject to attachment or to seizure by way of execution.
The net proceeds of the sale of the EARNs will be used in the general operations of EIB.

The following summary is qualified in its entirety by the remainder of this Prospectus.
European Investment Bank.
Euro Area Reference Note Issuance Facility.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and BNP Paribas.
EIB may from time to time terminate the appointment of any Arranger under the
Facility or appoint additional Arrangers in respect of the whole Facility.
Dealers who have acceded to the Dealer Agreement dated as of 3rd January, 2002.
Fiscal Agent:
BNP Paribas Luxembourg or such other or further fiscal agent as appointed from
time to time by EIB.
Method of Issue:
The EARNs will be issued on a syndicated or non-syndicated basis or by any other
method agreed by EIB and the relevant dealer(s). The EARNs will be issued in
series (each a "Series") having one or more issue dates and, other than the Issue
Price and accrued interest, if any, on terms otherwise identical. Each Series may
be issued in tranches (each a "Tranche") on the same or different issue dates to be
consolidated and form a single series of EARNs. The specific terms of each
Tranche (which will be supplemented, where necessary, with supplemental terms
and conditions and, save in respect of issue date, issue price, accrued interest (if
any) and principal amount of the Tranche, will be identical to the terms of other
Tranches of the same Series) will be set out in a Prospectus Supplement to this
Issue Price:
EARNs may be issued at their principal amount or at a discount or premium to
their principal amount.
Form of EARNs
The EARNs (other than those EARNs registered under the Securities Act) may be
issued in bearer form only. Each Tranche of EARNs will be represented by one or
more permanent Global EARNs. Individual definitive EARNs will not be issued.
Clearing Systems:
The Depositary Trust Company, Clearstream, Luxembourg, Euroclear and, in
relation to any Series, such other clearing system as specified in the relevant
Prospectus Supplement as may be agreed between EIB, the Fiscal Agent and the
relevant Dealers.
Initial Delivery of EARNs:
On or before the issue date for each Tranche, a Global EARN will be deposited
with a common depositary for Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, and a
registered Global EARN will be deposited with a custodian for The Depositary
Trust Company. Global EARNs may also be deposited with any other clearing
system as specified in the relevant Prospectus Supplement.
The EARNs will only be issued in euro.
366 days or over.
EARNs will be in the denomination of EUR 1,000 unless otherwise specified in
the relevant Prospectus Supplement.
Fixed interest will be payable annually in arrear on February 15, April 15, or such
other date in each year as shall be specified in the relevant Prospectus Supplement,
EIB may also issue non-interest bearing and floating rate interest EARNs.
Purchase of EARNs:
EIB may at any time purchase EARNs in the open market or otherwise at any
price. Any EARNs so purchased may be sold or canceled at EIB's discretion.

Status of EARNs:
EARNs will constitute unconditional, direct and general obligations of EIB all as
described in "Terms and Conditions of the EARNs ­ Status and Negative Pledge".
Negative Pledge:
See "Terms and Conditions of the EARNs ­ Status and Negative Pledge".
Cross Default:
See "Terms and Conditions of the EARNs ­ Default".
Governing Law:
Luxembourg Law.
The Luxembourg Stock Exchange and as otherwise specified in the relevant
Prospectus Supplement.
Payments will be subject in all cases to any fiscal or other laws and regulations
applicable thereto.


There follows the text of the terms and conditions to which (subject to completion and amendment by the relevant
Prospectus Supplement) the EARNs of any Series the first Tranche of which is issued after September 13, 2002 will be
subject. The EARNs are issued pursuant to an Agency Agreement dated January 3, 2002 (as amended or supplemented
as at the date of issue of the EARNs (the "Issue Date")) between EIB, BNP Paribas Luxembourg, as Fiscal Agent, and
the other agents named in it (the "Agency Agreement"). Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall
have the meanings assigned to those terms in the Agency Agreement.
The fiscal agent and the paying agents for the time being (if any) are referred to below, respectively, as the "Fiscal
Agent" and the "Paying Agents" (which expression shall include the Fiscal Agent). Certain statements in this
"Description of Securities" are summaries of, and are subject to, the detailed provisions of the Agency Agreement. The
holders of the EARNs are entitled to the benefit of, are bound by, and are deemed to have notice of, all the provisions
of the Agency Agreement applicable to them.
Copies of the forms of EARNs and the Agency Agreement with respect thereto are filed as exhibits to the Registration
Statement of which this Prospectus constitutes a part. Copies of the Agency Agreement are also available for
inspection at the specified offices of each of the Paying Agents.
1. Form, Denomination and Title
The EARNs are issued in either bearer or registered form in the denomination of EUR 1,000.
2. Interest
Interest on Fixed Rate EARNs
The fixed rate EARNs bear interest on the nominal amount of the EARNs from the Issue Date at the Interest
Rate payable annually in arrear on each Interest Payment Date.
Interest on Floating Rate EARNs
The floating rate EARNs bear interest on the nominal amount of the EARNs from the Issue Date at the
Interest Rate (which shall be the Reference Rate plus or minus the Margin) payable in arrear on each Interest
Payment Date.
The Reference Rate shall, unless otherwise set out in the relevant Prospectus Supplement, be EURIBOR.
The Interest Rate per annum payable from time to time in respect of the EARNs will be determined by the
Calculation Agent on the following basis:
The Calculation Agent will ascertain the offered Reference Rate for the relevant Interest Period of
euro deposits which appears on the Relevant Screen Page as of 11:00 a.m. (Brussels time) on the
relevant Interest Determination Date (as defined below) (or such other page or service as may be
equivalent to it or replace it for the purpose of displaying interbank offered rates of major banks for
deposits in euro principally in the region comprised of member states of the European Union that
have on the Interest Determination Date adopted the euro (the "eurozone"));
if such rate is not available, the Calculation Agent will request the principal offices of five major
banks in the eurozone selected by it in the interbank market (the "Reference Banks") to provide the
Calculation Agent with their offered quotations (expressed as a rate per annum) for interbank
deposits in euro to leading banks in the eurozone interbank market for a period equal to the
relevant Interest Period as at approximately 11:00 a.m. (Brussels time) on the Interest
Determination Date. The Interest Rate for such Interest Period shall be the arithmetic mean
(rounded, if necessary, to the nearest one hundred thousandth of one per cent., with halves being
rounded up) of such offered quotations, plus or minus the Margin, as determined by the Calculation
Agent. All currency amounts that fall due and payable shall be rounded to the nearest cent, with
halves being rounded up;
if two or three only of the Reference Banks provide the Calculation Agent with such quotations, the
Interest Rate for the relevant interest period shall be determined in accordance with (ii) above on
the basis of the quotations of those Reference Banks providing such quotations. If fewer than two

quotations are provided as requested, the Interest Rate will be the arithmetic mean of the rates
quoted by other major banks in the eurozone, selected by the Calculation Agent, at approximately
11:00 a.m., Brussels time, on the Interest Determination Date for loans in euro to leading European
banks for the Interest Period; and
if the Calculation Agent is unable to determine the Interest Rate for an Interest Period in
accordance with (i), (ii), or (iii) above, the Interest Rate for such Interest Period shall be the Interest
Rate in effect for the last preceding Interest Period to which (i), (ii), or (iii) above shall have been
As used in this Condition "Interest Determination Date" means, in respect of each Interest Period, the second euro
Business Day prior to the commencement of the Interest Period to which such offered rate will apply. "Interest Period"
means the period starting on and including the Interest Commencement Date and ending on but excluding the first
Interest Payment Date and each subsequent period starting on and including an Interest Payment Date and ending on
but excluding the next Interest Payment Date.
The Fiscal Agent shall publish the Interest Rate for each Interest Period, the amount of interest payable in respect of
each EARN for such Interest Period and the relevant Interest Payment Date in accordance with Condition 8, if
requested by the relevant stock exchange. It is expected that publication will be made no later than the fifth euro
Business Day following the relevant Interest Determination Date.
Day-count Fraction
Where interest is to be calculated for fixed rate EARNs in respect of a period of less than one year,
it will be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed divided by the actual number
of days in the period from and including the immediately preceding Interest Payment Date (or, if
none, the immediately preceding anniversary of the first Interest Payment Date) to but excluding
the next scheduled Interest Payment Date.
Where interest is to be calculated for floating rate EARNs it will be calculated on the basis of the
actual number of days elapsed divided by 360 days.
Provided that, if EIB determines, with the agreement of the Fiscal Agent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld),
that the then market practice in respect of euro denominated internationally offered securities, as applicable, is different
from that specified in clauses (i) and / or (ii) above, such clauses shall be deemed to be amended so as to comply with
such market practice and EIB shall promptly notify the holders of the EARNs, the stock exchange(s) (if any) on which
the EARNs may be listed and the Paying Agents of such amendments.
"euro Business Day" means a day on which the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express
Transfer system ("TARGET") is operating.
Interest Accrual
The EARNs will cease to bear interest from the due date for redemption unless, upon due presentation,
payment of principal is improperly withheld or refused.
3. Redemption and Purchase
Unless previously redeemed or purchased and cancelled as described herein, EIB will redeem the EARNs at par on the
Maturity Date.
EIB shall have the right at any time to purchase EARNs in the open market or otherwise. Any EARNs so purchased
may be resold at EIB's discretion, if not surrendered to the Fiscal Agent for cancellation.
4. Payments
Payments in respect of principal and interest will be made against surrender of EARNs at the specified offices of the
Paying Agents for the time being. The specified offices of the initial Paying Agents appear at the foot of these Terms
and Conditions.
Payments will be made in euro by credit or transfer to a euro account specified by the payee. Payments will be subject
in all cases to any fiscal or other laws and regulations applicable thereto. Consequently, neither EIB nor any Paying
Agent will make any additional payments in the event of a withholding being required in respect of any payment under