Bond Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund Bonds 12.5% ( KZ2C00009389 ) in KZT

Issuer Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund Bonds
Market price 100 %  ▲ 
Country  Kazakhstan
ISIN code  KZ2C00009389 ( in KZT )
Interest rate 12.5% per year ( payment 1 time a year)
Maturity 18/08/2024 - Bond has expired

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Minimal amount /
Total amount 40 000 000 000 KZT
Detailed description Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund Bonds are fixed-income securities issued to finance projects contributing to the country's sustainable development goals, encompassing areas like renewable energy, green infrastructure, and climate change mitigation.

Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund Bonds (ISIN: KZ2C00009389), a KZT 40,000,000,000 issuance bearing a 12.5% coupon rate and maturing on August 18, 2024, has reached maturity and been fully repaid at 100% of face value.