Bond Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC) 4.95% ( CND100007QB6 ) in CNY

Issuer Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC)
Market price 100 %  ▼ 
Country  China
ISIN code  CND100007QB6 ( in CNY )
Interest rate 4.95% per year ( payment 1 time a year)
Maturity 16/07/2019 - Bond has expired

Prospectus brochure of the bond Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC) CND100007QB6 in CNY 4.95%, expired

Minimal amount 100 CNY
Total amount 20 000 000 000 CNY
Detailed description The Bond issued by Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC) ( China ) , in CNY, with the ISIN code CND100007QB6, pays a coupon of 4.95% per year.
The coupons are paid 1 time per year and the Bond maturity is 16/07/2019

Base Prospectus

(company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

Up to RMB 8,000,000,000,000
Bond Listing Programme
(the "Programme")

This Base Prospectus has been prepared solely in connection with an application for the
listing of Bonds on the Securities Official List ("SOL") of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
("LuxSE"), without admission to trading on one of the securities markets operated by the

Bonds may be listed on SOL for the period of one year following the date of this Base
Prospectus. This Base Prospectus shall become invalid after the expiry of one year
following the date hereof.

This Base Prospectus should be read and understood in conjunction with the documents
incorporated herein by reference. Full information on the Issuer and any Bonds listed
under the Programme is only available on the basis of the combination of this Base
Prospectus (including any document incorporated by reference herein) and the relevant
specific terms specified in an Information Notice.

Luxembourg Stock Exchange takes no responsibility for the contents of this Base
Prospectus, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly
disclaims any liability for any loss arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of
the contents of this document.

The date of this Base Prospectus is 16 December 2020.


This Base Prospectus (including any document incorporated by reference herein) as well
as all information contained herein is meant to provide general details on the securities
and the issuer in relation to the admission of the securities onto SOL. The Base
Prospectus has been prepared for the sole goal of being displayed, and to list Bonds by
means of an Information Notice,on SOL. It does not provide any key information to be
used for making investment decisions.

The maximum aggregate principal amount of all Bonds from time to time outstanding
under the Programme will not exceed RMB 8,000,000,000,000.

The specific terms of each issue will be set forth in the applicable Information Notice.

This Base Prospectus is provided for information purposes only. It does not constitute
and is not construed as any advice, solicitation, offer, endorsement, commitment or
recommendation to invest in the securities described herein. The provision of the Base
Prospectus is not and shall not be a substitute for your own researches, investigations,
verifications, checks or consultation for professional or investment advice. You are using
the Base Prospectus at your own risks.

The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Base Prospectus. To
the best of the knowledge of the Issuer (which has taken all reasonable care to ensure
that such is the case), the information contained in this Base Prospectus is in accordance
with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.



Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC or the Bank) was established in November
1994 as limited liability company and operates under its articles of association and

ADBC is headquartered in Beijing in the People's Republic of China (PRC). The registered
office is located at A2 Yuetanbeijie Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.

Agricultural Development Bank of China is a state-owned agricultural policy bank under
the direct leadership of the State Council of the People's Republic of China.

ADBC is the only agricultural policy-oriented bank established with the funds of the
Chinese government and put under the direct authority of the State Council.

The main responsibility of the Bank is to bring into play its role as the main entity and
backbone of the rural financial system in accordance with national laws.

The Bank is not dependent upon other entities.

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) of the People's Republic of China is the sole shareholder of

The Bank has a registered capital of RMB 57 billion.

Currently, ADBC has a total of 31 provincial-level branches, 338second-level branches and
1,693county-level sub-branches with a staff of more than 50,000 and a service network
covering the whole country.

The Bank enjoys a credit rating same as that of the PRC sovereign entity.

The Bank has been rated A+ by Standard & Poor's and A1 by Moodys.


The Bank's principal activities include providing loans for various agricultural and
infrastructure projects in rural areas, namely loans for purchase, stockpiling, regulation,
and distribution of key agricultural products such as grain, cotton, edible oil, sugar, pork,
and chemical fertilizer, loans in support of the construction of agricultural and rural
infrastructure projects, water conservancy projects and circulation systems, loans for
projects in support of integrated agricultural development, means of production and

agricultural science and technology, loans for projects in support of renovation of
shantytown areas and construction of concentrated housing for farmers, loans in support
of anti-poverty through relocation, infrastructure in poor areas, development of special
industries and special poverty alleviation projects, loans in support of town construction,
land purchase and stockpiling in counties, as well as loans in support of small agricultural
enterprises and leading industrial enterprises. In addition, we engage in organizing and
participating in syndicated loans, bill acceptance and discounting and other credit
businesses; absorbing deposits from client enterprises and public institutions within the
business scope, public deposits in counties other than residential savings and fiscal
deposits, issuance of financial bonds, conducting settlement, foreign exchange
settlement and sale, and foreign exchange trading for customers, opening special
accounts for fiscal funds for assisting agriculture as required and disbursing fiscal
agriculture-related subsidies, trading, acting as an agent to trade and underwriting bonds,
as well as the inter-bank borrowing and placement, agency collection and payment,
agency insurance, asset securitization, corporate finance advisory service, and
agriculture-related business by way of cooperation with any lease company, agriculture-
related guarantee company and agriculture-related investment company or through
other methods upon approval, in addition to other services approved by the banking
regulatory authority under the State Council.

As at the end of 2019, total assets of ADBC amounted to RMB 7.01trillion, representing
an increase of 2.27% from the beginning of the year. The aggregate amount of loans
granted throughout the year amounted to RMB1.79trillion and the outstanding loan
balance at the end of the year amounted to RMB 5.58trillion.

For ADBC, both deposit and loan scales increase steadily, the growth rate of net profit
remains stable, and credit asset quality is relatively sound in the banking industry. Overall,
the banking industry is running smoothly.



The selected financial information set forth below has been extracted from the Bank's
audited consolidated financial statements as at and for the years ended 31 December
2018and 2019 included in its 2019 Annual Report, which has been incorporated by
reference into this Information Notice (see "Documents incorporated by reference").


There has been no material adverse change in the prospects of ADBC since 31 December
2019. There has been no significant change in the financial position or trading position of
the Bank since 31 December 2019.

No profit forecast or estimate is made by ADBC.

The audit report for the year ended 31 December 2019has been prepared by Grant
Thornton and does not include any qualifications.

There are no recent events particular to ADBC which are to a material extent relevant to
its solvency.



The following are the Terms and Conditions for the Bonds, which (subject to completion
and amendment in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Information Notice)
will be applicable to each Series of Bonds provided that the applicable Information Notice
in relation to any Series of Bonds may specify other terms and conditions which shall, to
the extent so specified or to the extent inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions,
replace and/or supplement the following Terms and Conditions for the purposes of such
Series of Bonds.

References herein to the "applicable Information Notice" are to the Information Notice(s)
prepared in relation to the Bonds of the relevant Series, which complete these Terms and

1.Bonds Issued

RMB denominated Bonds as indicated in the applicable Information Notice, issued
byAgricultural Development Bank of China.


The Bonds will be in the denomination(s) specified in the applicable Information Notice.

3.Issue Date

Any issue date on which the Bonds will be issued as indicated in the applicable
Information Notice.

4.Issue Price

The Bonds may be issued at an issue price which is equal to, less than or more than their
principal amount as indicated in the applicable Information Notice.

5.Interest Rate

5.1. Fixed Rate Bonds

The Issuer will pay interest on Fixed Rate Bonds on the dates specified in the applicable
Information Notice.


5.2. Floating Rate Bonds

The Issuer will pay interest on Floating Rate Bonds on the dates specified in the
applicable Information Notice. Each Series of Floating Rate Bonds will have one or more
interest rate bases as indicated in the applicable Information Notice.

5.3. Zero Coupon Bonds

The Bonds may bear no interest as indicated in the applicable Information Notice.

6.Interest Commencement Date

Interest on the Bonds will accrue from their date of issuance or from any other date as
specified in the applicable Information Notice.

7.Interest Payment Date

Interest on the Bonds will be payable on the dates and periods as indicated in the
applicable Information Notice.

8.Accrual of Interest

Interest shall accrue on the principal amount of each Bondor otherwise as indicated in
the applicable. Interest will cease to accrue as from the due date for redemption.

9.Maturity Date

Any maturity as indicated in the applicable Information Notice.

10.Redemption at Maturity

The Bonds will be redeemed (i) at par or (ii) at any other redemption price as specified in
the applicable Information Notice on the Maturity Date.

11.Optional Redemption

The Bonds may be redeemed (i) at the option of the issuer (Call) or (ii) at the option of
the bondholders (Put) as indicated in the applicable Information Notice.



The Bonds constitute direct, unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Bank
ranking pari passu, without any preference or priority of payment among themselves,
with all other unsecured and unsubordinated indebtedness of the Bank.

13.Transfer Restrictions

The Bonds may be traded and circulated in the secondary market under the framework of
Bond Connect.

14.Identification number

Any ISIN Code allocated to the Bonds as indicated in the applicable Information Notice.


Application has been made to list the Bonds on the Securities Official List without
admission to trading on one of the markets operated by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

The issuer may also apply for the Bonds to be displayed on the Luxembourg Green
Exchange (LGX).

16. Trading

The Bonds may be traded in the China Interbank Market.

17. Governing Law

The Bonds are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.